On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed this document to the church door in Wittenberg.
What are the 95 Theses?
This Swiss reformer in Geneva emphasized the TULIP theory, including predestination and a strict moral code?
Hint: he was a fun hammer.
Who is John Calvin?
This meeting of Catholic leaders from 1545 to 1563 aimed to address corruption and reaffirm Church doctrines.
What was the Council of Trent?
The Reformation led to religious wars between Catholics and Protestants in this European country, home to the Huguenots.
What is France?
The Reformation encouraged more people to read this book, now available in vernacular languages.
What is the Bible?
Luther's main issue with the Catholic Church was the sale of these.
What are indulgences?
This English king publicly broke from the Catholic Church after the Pope refused to annul his first marriage.
Who is King Henry VIII?
This new religious order, founded by Ignatius of Loyola, focused on education and missionary work.
Who are the Jesuits?
The 1555 Peace of Augsburg allowed rulers in this empire to choose either Catholicism or Lutheranism for their lands.
What is the Holy Roman Empire?
The Reformation led to an increase in literacy and education, partly due to the spread of books using this invention.
What is the printing press?
This meeting of Catholic leaders was called in 1521 to decide Luther's fate after he refused to recant his teachings.
What is the Diet of Worms?
This Scottish preacher brought Calvinist teachings to Scotland, leading to the formation of Presbyterianism.
Who is John Knox?
This Church court was strengthened during the Counter-Reformation to root out heresy and enforce Catholic doctrine.
What is the Inquisition?
This brutal war (1618–1648) involved many European nations and ended with the Peace of Westphalia.
What is the Thirty Years’ War?
This economic and political system began to decline as Protestant ideas emphasized individual faith and responsibility.
What is feudalism?
Luther translated the Bible into this language, making it more accessible to ordinary people.
What is German?
This Holy Roman Emperor opposed the Reformation and fought against Protestant rulers.
Who is Charles V?
This list of banned books was created by the Catholic Church to prevent the spread of Protestant ideas.
What is the Index of Prohibited Books?
This massacre in 1572 saw thousands of Huguenots killed in France during religious tensions.
What is the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre?
The Reformation helped shape this modern democratic principle, as people began questioning authority.
What is religious freedom?
This German prince protected Luther after he was declared an outlaw, allowing him to continue his work.
Who was Frederick the Wise?
This radical reformer led the Anabaptist movement, which opposed infant baptism.
Who was Thomas Müntzer?
This Spanish mystic and nun reformed the Carmelite order and promoted deep spiritual reflection.
Who is Teresa of Ávila?
This English queen, known as "Bloody Mary," persecuted Protestants in an attempt to restore Catholicism.
Who is Mary I?
This English document, signed in 1689, helped establish religious tolerance and parliamentary power.
What is the English Bill of Rights?