The male hormone
What is testosterone?
Passageway through which menstrual blood comes out, and through which a baby would pass.
What is a vagina?
No barriers or pills are needed for abstinence.
What is true?
True or false. Teens who experience dating violence are more likely to be victimized as adults.
Immediately after the egg meets the sperm, cells begin to _______________.
What is the multiply?
The male reproductive cell.
What is sperm?
A Female's reproductive cell.
What are eggs?
Anyone can practice abstinence.
What is true?
You should do this if you or a friend are experiencing dating violence.
What is tell someone you trust.
The term used for an embryo that has been growing for two months.
What is fetus?
The male reproductive organ.
What is a penis?
The female reproductive hormone.
What is estrogen?
Abstinence is 99.99999% effective.
What is false?
To watch or follow someone constantly; to bother.
What is stalking?
When the egg meets the sperm.
What is fertilization?
The two organs behind the penis that produce sperm.
What are the testicles?
The entrance to the uterus.
What is cervix?
Abstinence protects against all STD's accept for HPV.
What is false?
To make someone feel ashamed or foolish.
What is to humiliate?
The place in the female where the fetus grows.
What is a uterus?
Sperm cells in this white fluid.
What is semen?
Tubes leading from the ovaries to the uturus.
What are fallopian tubes?
It is okay to fall into peer pressure, or someone telling you to have sex.
What is false!
Name 3 ways (forms) of dating violence.
This "Cell bundle" is also known as:
What is an embryo?