What did the ancient prophets write on that was buried?
Gold Plates
The person chosen by God to restore and organize the LDS church?
Joseph Smith
What did the Lord give to Joseph to help him translate the Book of Mormon?
Urim and Thummim
Emma Hale
How many wards, including branches are in our Keizer Stake?
Who was the angel that told Joseph where to find the plates?
Angel Moroni
What scripture inspired Joseph Smith to pray to know what church to join?
James 1:5
Who helped Joseph as a scribe while he translated the Book of Mormon?
Oliver Cowdery
How many siblings did Joseph Smith have?
Joseph's brother Alvin died young
How many temples have been dedicated and are in operation?
How many are under construction?
How many have been announced to begin construction?
202 temples
with 52 under construction
113 more have been announced
The hill where the plates were buried?
BONUS: Who buried them?
The hill Cumorah
What is the place called where the First Vision occured?
The Sacred Grove
Why did the early Mormon Pioneers have to flee their homes and make the trek West?
Persecution. The early Saints were driven out.
Where was Joseph martyred?
Who was with him?
Carthage Jail
**Hyrum Smith
**John Taylor
**Willard Richards
How many languages are spoken/taught?
17,225,394 members
188 languages
How many years did Joseph have to wait to wait before he could take the plates?
4 years
How old was Joseph Smith when the First Vision occurred?
BONUS: Other than his family, was his testimony of what he had seen well received?
No. People made fun of him.
Who was the first person to be baptized with priesthood authority in this dispensation?
Oliver Cowdery
Name two of the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon?
Oliver Cowdery
David Whitmer
Martin Harris
(found in the intro to the BOM)
What is the youth theme for 2025?
Look Unto Christ
D&C 6:36
What state in the USA were the plates found?
Upstate New York
"This is my beloved son. Hear Him."
Who was the messenger that gave the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph and Oliver?
John the Baptist
What date was the Church of Jesus Christ organized?
April 6, 1830
What is Sister Meissner's Favorite scripture?
(Bonus points if someone has it memorized)
D&C 10:5