This is the purpose of the speech.
What is to convince the people to fight.
This is the format that Paine uses to publish his piece.
What is an essay?
This is the occasion of the poem.
What is the start of the war?
Jefferson wrote this document with the help of other fore fathers.
What is the Declaration of Independence.
This amendment prohibits the government from limiting free speech.
What is the first amendment?
This is the occasion of the speech
What is the Virginia Convention
This is the occasion of the speech
This is the purpose of the poem.
What is to encourage Washington and his men.
This is the overall purpose of the document.
This is the group who is responsible for establishing the Constitution.
Who is We the people?
This is the audience of the speech
Who is the president and other members of the convention.
This is the purpose of the speech.
To persuade people to join the war.
This is the most common type of allusion in the poem.
What is greek mythology?
This is the structure of the document written by Jefferson.
What is a beginning, middle, and end?
This is the only amendment that does not address a specific rule or law.
What is the 9th amendment?
This is the tone of the speech
Emotional, Passionate
This is the tone of the speech
What is logical?
This is Britain's attitude toward the colonies.
What is pensive?
What is "all men are created equal?"
He wrote an argument asking for people to support the Constitution even if some people disagreed with it.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
"Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed by a kiss" provides an example of this device.
What is allusion?
Paine uses this term to refer to the people who "shrink from the service of their country."
What is "summer soldier?"
This is an example of which device "Or thick as leaves in Autumn's golden reign."
Who is King George III?
The preamble to the Constitution mentions this as the reason for its creation.
What is to form a more perfect union?