Who are the main characters?
Princess, King, Prince
What does gratitude mean?
A feeling of thankfulness
Who helped the princess find a husband?
The king/her dad
What does assured mean?
What are the parts of a power sentence?
Target word
Who, what, when, where, why, how
Punctuation and Capitalization
A castle in Mexico
What does guidance mean?
Leadership or direction
What was the answer to the King's riddle, "What was the drum made of"?
The drum was made of a flea.
The King assured the princess he would help her find a suitable man for her to marry.
If you could have a special talent, what would your talent be?
Choose anything! or one from the book!
Why did the prince want to marry the princess?
She was clever, resourceful, and beautiful
What does previous mean?
How did the prince know the drum was made of a flea?
The Hearer heard the answer when the princess and King were talking.
Use previous in a sentence
It is November and October was the previous month.
True or false?
The Prince had a plan.
True! The men with special talents helped him answer the riddle.
Name three characters who helped the prince solve the riddle
Runner, thrower, hearer, blower, eater
What is the opposite of previous?
Later, future, after
Besides answering the riddle, what was one of the challenges the prince had to complete before he could marry the prince?
2. Eat an entire table of food
Use guidance in a sentence
The counselor provided the student guidance and helped them find the right college.
Who did the Prince show gratitude towards?
The thrower, runner, hearer, eater, and blower.
Which man with special talents did the prince meet first?
The runner
What does outcome mean? Tell me about a time you were surprised about the outcome of something.
The result of or consequence
What happened at the end of the story?
The prince asked the princess to marry him and she said yes!
Use gratitude in a sentence
At Thanksgiving, I expressed my gratitude for my family.
What is a way you can use a plan to help you complete something?
Include a plan and a task