How much health is restored by the mushroom in Fortnite?
How many Harry Potter movies are there?
What does every sentence need?
A subject and a verb
These are the only two planets in our solar system without moons... A: Mercury & Venus, B: Venus & Mars, C: Uranus & Neptune, D: Neptune & Pluto
A. Mercury and Venus
What is the capital of the USA?
Washington D.C
In what year was Fortnite released?
What were the names of the two protagonists in Titanic?
Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt
Which is NOT an abstract noun?
a. Love
b. Rainbow
c. Fear
d. Democracy
What is the weakest bone in the human body?
The collarbone
What is lava called when it is under the Earth's surface?
How many squares are there on a chessboard?
Who is Spongebob's driving teacher?
Mrs. Puff
Which sentence uses a gerund?
a. The store closes soon.
b. The dog barks all day.
c. Swimming is her favourite activity.
d. He's really good at maths.
It is a verb that functions here as a noun or the subject.
What is the most common element in the human body?
What is the name of the river that flows through London?
The Thames
How many wild cards are there in Uno?
What is the name of Doctor Strange's cape?
The cloak of levitation.
"Sharon, Kate and Meghan are very tired of filling out job applications!"
What part of speech is the word "very"?
It is an ADVERB.
There are more trees on Earth than stars in our galaxy.
True or False
There are 3 trillion trees and about 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy.
What is the second oldest city in Australia?
Name the last 8 Call of Duty games
When adjusted for inflation, what movie has made the highest box office?
Gone With The Wind
Fill in the blank with the correct word: "I" or "me." "It was a very difficult evening for Tom and _____."
How long does it take sunlight to reach the Earth?
8 minutes and 20 seconds.
What is the closest country to Australia?
Papua New Guinea