What was the Neolithic Revolution?
The Agriculture Revolution was when man learned how to farm, ground food, and domesticated animals.
A ____ is a form of human culture in which some people live in cities, have complex social institutions, use some form of writing, and are skilled at using science and technology.
What is polytheistic?
Believing in many gods.
The birthplace of humankind?
in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa
The early history of the Hebrews and their relationship with God is told in __________?
The first books of the Bible
A culture is ____?
Culture refers to a people's way of life. It includes such things as the people's language, types of clothing, homes, family organization, system of government, and methods of obtaining food. It also includes peoples's crafts, arts, music, and religious beliefs.
What is a Theocracy?
A society government by religious leaders.
Name two of the earliest societies.
Stone and Ice Age
Why did the civilizations develop around the river valleys? Explain
Each of the river valleys had a mild climate and water highways. In addition, water was used to drink and cook food.
What is a Dynasty? Also known as what?
A Dynasty is a ruling family. Also known as Shang.
The earliest humans survived by doing what?
They survived by hunting and gathering their food.
Name two things the Sumerians invented.
The wheel and the sailboat.
Why were the civilizations established around river valleys? Explain.
Due to the fertile land in the river valley, the geographic conditions were favorable, allowing the framer to grow a surplus of food.
What is the name of the legal system developed by The Babylonians?
the Code of Hammurabi
What river valley civilization is located around the Indus River Valley?
What tools did the early man use? How did they cook their food?
They used tools of wood, bone, and stone. They also learned to make fire.
This civilization was developed between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago. It was the first river civilization. Name the civilization.
This civilization developed a form of writing known as _______.
What were the responsibilities of Women in Mesopotamia? Explain.
Most women stayed home cooking and taking care of the home. However, women enjoyed various rights in different social classes. Wealthier women could go to the marketplace to buy goods, handle legal matters in their husband's absence, and own property. They could obtain divorces, and some enjoyed higher status.
What type of government system was in ancient Egypt? What were they called?
Monarchy. Pharaohs were their kings.
___________ is the study of the origins, customs, and beliefs of mankind.
What rivers are located in present-day Iraq?
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
What was the name of the ancient Hebrew religion? They were the _______________ to believe in ______?
Judaism. The first religion to worship only one God.
Where is the world's longest river located? What is the name of the river?
Northeast Africa. The Nile River.
Name four accomplishments of Egypt. (Describe in detail)
1. Medicine (Developed knowledge of embalming and performed surgical operations in settling fractures.)
2. Hieroglyphics (earliest forms of writing, based on pictures symbols written on scrolls of reed paper).
3. Building and Art Egyptian architects and engineers built magnificent pyramids, palaces, and stone temples. Decorating buildings with paintings and sculptures.
4. Geometry and Astronomy. Egyptians developed geometry to build projects such as pyramids. By observing the stars, they developed a calendar based on 365 days.