Describe the event that occurred in 494 B.C.E. during the early rise of the Roman Republic. Be sure to mention the specific name given to this event.
The plebeians withdrew from the city of Rome in protest against their lack of political power and unfair treatment by the patricians. This struggle for power was called the Conflict of Orders.
Consuls were known for what major job?
Commanding the army
In the Roman Republic, patricians referred to
Wealthy landowning families
What does the word "plebeian" originate from?
Common People
Who first ruled early Rome?
Etruscan Kings
Why was the year 509 B.C.E. significant for early Romans?
(100 for each correct answer)
Patricians drive out Etruscan kings and create a republic.
This was the type of government the Romans established after overthrowing the Etruscan kings.
A Republic
Rome’s first set of written laws was called...
The Twelve Tables
This event marked the beginning of the "Conflict of the Orders"
Plebeians refused to work and marched out of the city.
Who set up the Roman Republic?
What year were the Twelve Tables published?
451 B.C.E.
The power of the tribunes increased when they gained the right to
Veto the senate
The patricians changed the laws whenever they wanted, so the plebeians...
had the laws written down (The Twelve Tables).
This council could create laws that applied specifically to plebeians.
The Council of Plebs
What was the main role of the Citizens’ Association in the Roman Republic?
Approve or reject laws
What significant change occurred in 367 B.C.E. to give plebeians more power?
One of the two consuls had to be a plebeian.
What was the primary role of the Roman Senate in the early Republic?
(200 for each correct answer)
To advise consuls and make laws
Write two reasons why the patricians gave in to the plebeians when they marched out of the city.
(200 for each correct answer)
1. Work in the city and on the farms came to a halt, putting Rome in a crisis.
2. Without the plebeians, patricians feared that the army would be helpless if an enemy struck at Rome.
Why were plebeians unhappy under the early Republic?
They had to serve in the army but had no say in their government.
Why are both the Roman Republic and the United States today considered republics?
The people elect representatives to make laws for them.
By 287 B.C.E., what rights did the plebeians finally gain?
The power to pass laws for all Roman citizens
In the Roman Republic, who might have spoken these words?
"I was elected to the group that holds most of the power. I will keep this office all my life. I help make laws and serve as a judge."
A Senator
What was the role of the Tribunes of the Plebs?
To represent plebeians in the government
In what ways did plebeians contribute to the Roman Republic during its early years? Consider their roles and jobs.
(100 for each correct answer)
How could a Roman become a tribune?
(be specific)
Get the plebeians to elect him