What has his goal been since the tender age of 15?
be rich
What sport did Chase play every winter?
Did Chase ever have a crush on one of his co-workers?
What month is Chases birthday?
What stock did Chases Dad "Little Mega Cap Wendy" make a ton of money on while he was in the hospital?
How many girlfriends had Chase wanted on his time on earth?
what sport did Chase play every summer until an early age?
What is Chases bosses real name?
Todd Inglis!
Where did Chase go with his fiancé all the time?
Niagara Falls
What is Chases favourite stock?
What is Chases favourite hair colour?
What sport did Chase do after he quit hockey?
American ninja warrior
What was Chases direct bosses nickname from him?
Big T
What is Chases favourite hobby?
Making gains
What is Chases stock where hes betting against half of the world? Wendy included
Coca Cola! Ticker; KO
What was his desired job before business?
underwater welder
what was chases all time favourute passtime?
Where did Chase work before foodland?
Cayuga golf club
What does Chase do to pass the time?
Who owns Chases stock META platforms Ins?
Mark Zuckerberg
What was Chases goal regarding his Sperry's?
what is to make his first million!
Did Chase work somewhere so he could get his hobby for free?
did Chase ever date one of his foodland co-workers?
no! Bomboclat!
Where did Chase go to purchase AirPods to sell for a hefty profit?
What stock did 'lil Wendy give up on but finally make money off of the first day Chase walked again?