Refusing to buy a product to show your opposition to it
What is a boycott?
This was a tax based on tea.
What is the Tea Act?
This group of Patriots were strongly against unfair British taxes and committed actions to show their anger.
The Sons of Liberty.
This is why the British soldiers and colonists who were at the Boston Massacre viewed the event differently.
What are different perspectives?
This act allowed soldiers to stay in colonists' houses, inns, and hotels free of charge.
What is the Quartering Act?
This law stated that the colonists could not go West of the Appalachian Mountains so that Britain wouldn't have to spend money protecting the colonists.
What was the Proclamation of 1763?
This was a tax on paper products. The name of this act comes from the receipt that was put on the products.
What is the Stamp Act?
This action by the Sons of Liberty was committed to show their upset with British taxes, such as the Tea Act.
What was the Boston Tea Party?
This was a way for the Sons of Liberty to attack British tax collectors.
What is tar and feathering?
This country controlled the land west of the MISSISSIPPI RIVER after the French and Indian War.
What is Spain?
This document reminded the colonists that Britain had the right to raise taxes on them.
The Declaratory Act
This act taxed 5 different products including lead, paint, tea, and glass.
What are the Townshend Acts?
These set of laws punished the colonists for the Boston Tea Party
These battles showed that the colonists were willing to fight for what they believed in.
What are Lexington and Concord?
This was the period of time when Britain ignored the 13 Colonies.
What is salutary neglect?
This document resulted in France losing all of its land in North America.
The Treaty of Paris (1763)
This is why the colonists were so against taxes given to them by Parliament.
What is "No taxation without representation"?
Benjamin Franklin felt that the colonists had to join this.
What was the Albany Plan of Union?
This event happened because of increased tension between the British and the colonists.
What is the Boston Massacre?
What is no representation in government?
These legal search warrants allowed British officials to search colonial ships without having much reason. These were created to cut down on smuggling.
What were the Writs of Assistance?
This helped Britain to control the trade of their colonies.
.....because the colonies didn't want to give up their individual power to a central government.
Why did the Albany Plan of Union fail?
No one is really sure whether the colonists or British soldiers were the ones who committed this action. This event is more of a metaphor than a literal description.
What is "the shot heard around the world"?
This was a slogan used in a political cartoon to tell the colonists that they needed to join together to defeat the French in the French and Indian War.
What is "Join or Die"