This was the 1 branch of the central government under the Articles of Confederation.
This was the city where the delegates met for the Constitutional Convention.
Who is "We the People"?
The people of the US
Article I
Legislative Branch
What are the 5 freedoms in the 1st Amendment
Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition, Speech
This man was in charge of the Constitutional Convention
George Washington
The distribution of votes among the 13 states was considered unfair because the representation was distributed ___________.
This was the year that 12 out of 13 states decided to meet and discuss whether they would amend the Articles of Confederation or toss them and completely start over.
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What is the purpose of the Preamble to the Constitution?
To state the purpose / goals.
Article II
What is in the 3rd Amendment?
No quartering of soldiers.
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In order to pass a law, the Articles of Confederation called for this many "Yay" votes out of 13.
This compromise resulted in a bicameral legislative branch where one house has proportional representation and the other house has equal representation.
The Great Compromise
Which branch would be in charge of "ensuring domestic tranquility"?
The executive branch
Article III
Judicial Branch
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Having to serve on a jury is to protect which Amendment's right?
6th Amendment right to trial by jury.
Because of this weakness, soldiers weren't paid for their service in the war.
Congress couldn't collect taxes
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This compromise decided the method to elect the President
The Electoral College
Who (which organization) is in charge of the "common defense"?
The military
Doube Jeopardy: 800 Points
What is the process for Amending the Consitution?
2/3's Congress / 3/4's States
Which Amendment gives reserves powers to the states?
10th Amendment
This outbreak of violence effectively caused the end of the Articles of Confederation
Shays' Rebellion
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This compromise guaranteed protection of individual rights.
The Bill of Rights
How does "to ourselves and our posterity" apply to you?
We are the future generation in charge of maintaining the Constitution.
What is the Supremacy Clause
That the constitution (and Federal law) is the supreme law of the land
Due Process is in which Amendment?