This act happened in ______________ and banned all the treats you love!
The Sugar Act of 1764
Who is Sam Adams?
Founder of Sons of Liberty
Sugar Act - 1764
About how many people boarded the ships in Boston to destroy tea?
The Townshend Acts taxed all people who had the word "town" in their last name. True or False?
If False, tell me what it was and when it happened.
The Townshend Acts happened in 1767 - taxed all goods imported from Britain - tea, paper, glass.
I'm thinking of people who supported the French during the French-Indian War.
Huron and Algonquin tribes
Don't try to write a card to your date unless you want to pay this tax on this date!
Stamp Act of 1765
Colonists felt like they were forced to pay taxes that were approved by officials they had not elected themselves.
Would like a spot of tea? Oh, pickles. No tea for you under this act.
The Tea Act of 1773 - allowed British East India Company to sell tea without tax and at a lower cost.
The Haudenosaunee were so nice! They _________________________________________
supported the British during the French and Indian War.
Ooooh! Paris? Are we going?
Nope. But this treaty was named after this French city in __________. And it states_____________________
The Treaty of Paris - 1763 - states that the French cannot help the Indigenous people if they resist the British.
Why? Why? Why must I let these stinky British soldiers in my home?
This tax is the worst! Make it stop.
Of what tax do they speak? When did it happen? What did it say?
The Quartering Act of 1765 allowed British soldiers to stay in the homes of patriots.
William Pitt - was responsible for sending more supplies and for blocking the port so that the French troops could not access resources.
Hear ye, Hear ye! King George has passed a Proclamation. The year is _____________ and it states ___________________
Proclamation of 1763 states that all land west of the Appalachian mountains is to be set aside for the Indigenous people. (Did they, though?)
I belong to this group of women who make this special cloth. The group is called _____________ and the cloth is called __________
Daughters of Liberty and homespun
This act is INTOLERABLE and will not be tolerated!
When did this coercive act take place? What did it state?
The Coercive/Intolerable Acts of 1773/4
shut down Boston harbor till the tea was paid for, banned town meetings, allowed MORE soldiers to live with patriots.
You'd never think that people would fight over me. It's not like I'm New York or Los Angeles, but indeed, my land was the prize during the French and Indian War.
What is The Ohio River Valley
1774 (September 5)
France? I want to live in New France, not Old France.
What? You don't know New France? Oh, you sad little man.
New France includes.... Oh. What does it include?
Canada and Louisiana