waterproofed canvas
What is a tarpaulin?
A stretch of shallow watter
What is a shoal?
A tiny piece of anything
What is a mote?
A theatrical performer
What is a thespian?
What is a marauder?
This word is a verb meaning to pour out
What is decant?
This word describes any of various rough thorny shrubs or vines
What is a bramble?
This is the triangular wall between the sloping ends of a roof
What is a gable?
This word describes a long steep slope at the edge of a plateau or ridge.
What is an escarpment?
This word describes a ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems.
What is a watershed?
The word congeal is this part of speech
What is a verb
The word gunmetal is this part of speech
The pit bull who refused to let go of his bine can best be described using this adjective.
What is dogged?
What has been done to something that has been burned, seared, or frozen using a hot iron or electric current?
What is cauterized?
A list of calculations regarding your grades can be considered evidence of this process?
What is reckoning?
Inside the barn three bodies hanging from the rafters, dried and dusty among the _______ slats of light.
What is wan?
lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble
He said the right dreams for a man in peril were dreams of peril and all else was the call of _________ and of death.
What is languor?
A feeling of lack of interest or energy.
Waking in the cold dawn it all turned to ash instantly. Like certain ancient ____________ entombed for centuries suddenly exposed to the day.
What are frescoes?
Murals done with watercolors on wet plaster
The color of it moved something in him long forgotten. Make a list. Recite a _______. Remember.
What is litany?
a prayer led by clergy with responses from the congregation
Lying there in the dark with the _________ taste of a peach from some phantom orchard fading in his mouth.
What is uncanny?
Suggesting the operation of supernatural influences
This is the linen cloth with an image of a crucified man that is believed by some to be the burial cloth of Jesus.
What is the Shroud of Tourin?
Shroud: a burial garment
In the famous Elmo in a Dumpster Fire meme, Elmo is bound to be ___________?
What is immolated?
killed as a sacrifice, especially by fire
The Colorado River, which twists it's way through the grand canyon can best be described as this.
What is serpentine?
After cooking bacon in the pan, you do not want to be left with the job of cleaning up. What happens to the bacon fat?
What is it congeals?
A fitting name for a punk band, The _________ of Society possess a gritty, bottom of the barrel sound.
What are the Dregs?