This amendment helped women have the right to vote.
What is the 19th amendment?
Henry Ford invented this to speed up the time it took to make vehicles.
What is the assembly line?
This style of music thrived in the 1920's
What is Jazz
The changes in women that changed in hair and their dress styles.
What is a flappers?
This vehicle allowed people to live further away from their jobs
What is the Model T
This dance become very popular in the Jazz club?
What is "the Charleston"?
Women were seeking during the 1920's
What is social Freedom?
This allowed many Americans the ability to spend more money
What are higher wages?
Products that helped women save money and time during the 1920's.
What is the Fridge and Vacuum
This scandal involved renting government oil reserves for a very low price.
What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?
This person played the trumpet with a small band in Chicago and in New York.
Who is Louise Armstrong?
This women wrote the age of innocents.
Who is Edith Wharton
President Calvin Coolidge both promoted less of this from the government.
What is government spending and taxes