The US Population
What is 1,000,000+ (106,021,537)
Created swing style music
Who is Louis Armstrong
Had the Most Traction for Musicals
What is Broadway
Women's Wear
What is casual and relaxed
Traffic Light discovered in
What is 1923
Life Expectancy
What is 50 years old
African American Composer and Bandleader
What is Duke Ellington
Animation Was Created By
What is Disney
Men's Wear
What is nice suits and athletic clothing
Insulin was discovered by
What is Fredrick Banting and Charles Best
Wall Street Crash
What is 1929
Mother of Blues
What is Ma Rainey
Two Types of TV's
What is Mechanical and Electrical
Often Called
What is The Roaring 20's or The Golden Age
Vitamin D was discovered in
What is 1929
Culture Movement by African Americans
What is Harlem Renaissance
What is Paul Whiteman
Radio Stations Reserved For
What is People who could afford them
Popular Sports (Name at least 2)
What is Boxing, Football, Tennis and Hockey
Television was discovered in
What is 1927
Part of the 19th Amendment
What is Women's Suffrage
First African American Blues Singer
Top Production Companies
1920 Athletic Hero's (Name One)
What is Jack Dempsy, Helen Wills, Satchel Paige, Joe Lewis, Babe Ruth
Penicillin was discovered in and by whom
What is 1928 by Alexander Fleming