The Prohibition movement led to the banning this good.
For many Americans, the 1920s were a period of economic ...
This theory is at the center of the controversy
This genre of music became very popular
Electricity and appliances made this easier for women, allowing a greater number to work outside the home
Prohibition gave rise to this type of crime
Borrowed money that can be paid off at a later date
The jury found this man guilty of of violating the law & ordered him to pay $100
This New York city became a center of African American culture
This amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920, giving women the right to vote.
19th Amendment
These are the THREE things Prohibition bans
Making, Selling & Transporting Alcohol
Black Tuesday occurred on this date
October 29, 1929
He was a religious fundamentalist & the lawyer for the prosecution
William Jennings Bryan
This group had roughly 4 million members in the 1920s
Ku Klux Klan
These women pushed social barriers, wore short skirts & short hair
This Amendment REPEALED the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)
21st Amendment
This happened to the gap (difference) between the rich and the poor during the 1920s
It grew (got larger)
He was a vocal critic of religion and the lawyer for the defense
Clarence Darrow
The slang for movies with sound
Three ways many women pushed social/gender expectations in the 1920s
more political power, short hair, short skirts, drinking, working outside the home
Three reasons Prohibition failed
couldn't be enforced, bad for the economy, people didn't have "buy in"
This happens to the economy when supply is greater than demand
It shrinks (or contracts)
The verdict (outcome) of the Scopes Monkey Trial (2 things)
Scopes was found guilty of violating the Butler Act & fined $100
Three women famous for their contributions to the Harlem Renaissance
Smith, Hurston, Fauset, Burke, Savage, Mills, Baker