People and Events
Social Changes
Industry and Economics

This group, who had previously undergone assimilation, gained US citizenship in 1924.

Who are Native Americans?


This type of woman in the 1920s sought independence and freedom from traditional expectations of society, wearing less clothing and engaging in the culture and nightlife of the 1920s.

Who were "flappers?"


The causes of this economic nightmare included overproduction and under-consumption of goods, too many items being bought on credit, as well as the over-concentration of the majority of the country's wealth.

What was the Great Depression?


This Great Depression president's plan to fix the depression involved adjustments in taxes and investment in public works programs, but largely left private organizations to handle recovery.

Who was Herbert Hoover?

This president was willing to use federal intervention to solve the problems of the Great Depression.

Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)?


States that suffered from this Great Depression era environmental disaster included Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico.

What was the Dust Bowl?


This explosion of black literature, art, and music propelled some black Americans to a place of cultural relevance and gave them a platform from which to advocate for social and political equality.

What was the Harlem Renaissance?


Heavy consumer spending was encouraged by the emergence of this buying practice.

What is credit/installment credit?


This economic policy, used by the Republican presidents of the 1920s, consisted of limited involvement of government in economic affairs.

What is "laissez-faire" economic policy?


This public works organization was created to provide jobs to the unemployed and even built the Marshall pool.

What was the WPA?


This event led to economic stimulation and, in combination with the New Deal, helped the US out of the Great Depression.

What was World War II?


This type of bar illegally operated during the age of Prohibition, being a poorly kept and yet little punished secret of society.

What were speakeasies?


The end of this event led to reduced demand for staple crops, resulting in decline in prices and an early Great Depression for farmers.

What was World War 1?

In this period of FDR's presidency, he passed more legislation than most presidents in 2 years.

What were the "First 100 Days?"


Limited federal funding and general disregard made it difficult to enforce this law/Amendment.

What is Prohibition/18th Amendment?


This event, which would have a resurgence in the 1950s, was characterized by a fear that communism would spread in and even potentially take over the US.

What was the "Red Scare?"


These groups protested the social changes of the 1920s and desired to maintain traditional aspects of society.

Who were Fundamentalists/Christians/old people?


The collapse of this industry, highlighted by speculation in the stock market and little to no regulation, resulted in the loss of life savings for many and was a key factor in the Great Depression.

What is banking?


This political strategy, used by FDR, was criticized for violating separation of powers.

What was "court packing?"


This New Deal organization, still in existence today, provided economic assistance to the elderly/retired.

What is the Social Security Administration (SSA)?


These factors led to one of the worst environmental disasters in American history. (two of the three factors will constitute a right answer).

What was overworking of the soil, drought, and unimpeded winds?


This Progressive-era movement resulted in the banning of alcohol products.

What was the Temperance movement?


The expansion in availability of this important resource in the 1920s led to booms in industries such as movies and radio.

What is electricity?


This strategy, used by FDR in the New Deal, included the creation of public works organizations as well as increased federal involvement in multiple industries. (Hint: This is also known as the three R's).

What were relief, recovery, and reform?


Both of these groups targeted immigrants, especially during the 1920s.

Who were the KKK and Nativists?
