Where do lions mostly live?
Does a male lion have a man or does a female lion?
A male
If a male lion is shot by a hunter, how many less lions live in the future? 1, 5, or 30?
30 lions will not live.
Do lions roar to communicate with each other?
They do!
Is hunting mostly done by the males, females, or cubs?
The females
What country outside of Africa do lions live in?
Do lions weigh closer to 200 pounds or 300 pounds?
300 pounds
Is there a type of lion that is extinct?
The American Lion is extinct.
Do males from the same pride give birth at about the same time or do females?
Do the males, females, or cubs eat first?
The males
Do lions live in north, south, east, or west Africa?
East and west Africa
What color eyes do lions have? Amber, brown, or orange?
Amber, which is a yellow color.
Which type lion is an endangered species? The Asiatic Lion, African Lion, or Cable Lion?
The Asiatic Lion is endangered.
Is it normal for males that just came into the pride to kill the cubs?
Yes it’s normal.
Do lions eat snakes, gazelles, and/or zebras?
They eat gazelles and zebras
Do lions live in woodlands, jungles, grasslands, and/or deserts?
Woodlands and grasslands
How many teeth do lions have?
They have 30 teeth. We only have 2 more teeth than them!
Are lions close to going extinct?
Their numbers are going down but they aren’t going extinct?
Do lions swim in deep water?
They can’t because they don’t like water deeper than their feet.
Do lions usually hunt in the dark, light, or both?
Lions hunt in the dark.