This invention made housework easier by washing dishes automatically.
What is the electric dishwasher?
This president promised a return to "normalcy" after World War I and won the election of 1920.
Who is Warren Harding?
Coolidge agreed with Andrew Mellon’s idea to lower taxes because it would help this grow.
What is businesses?
Before becoming president, Hoover worked in these two Republican presidencies, helping solve big problems.
Who are Harding and Coolidge?
The stock market crashed in this year, causing many problems for the economy.
What is 1929?
This was the promise Roosevelt made to Americans to help them recover from the Great Depression.
What is the New Deal?
Roosevelt used these to gain support from his voters by giving them money and work projects.
What are New Deal agencies?
In the 1920s, this technology allowed people to listen to music and stories from professionals instead of creating their own.
What is the phonograph?
Harding’s secretary of the treasury, this man, helped lower taxes and pay off World War I debts.
Who is Andrew Mellon?
Coolidge wanted to save money by replacing red tape with this simple item.
What is string?
Hoover believed that the government should work together with this group to solve the nation’s problems.
Who are businesses?
This New Deal program required businesses to pay workers a minimum wage but ended up causing more unemployment.
Roosevelt closed the banks for three days to stop people from doing this, which helped calm the panic during the Depression.
What is withdrawing money?
Roosevelt used this kind of political system, where a boss gives rewards in exchange for votes, to help win support.
What is a political machine?
Why were the 20's known as the "Roaring Twenties"
Life was made easier as a result of new inventions because of this people were having fun, playing music, and dancing.
Harding was initially popular, but his popularity plummeted after the country learned about this.
What is the corruption in his cabinet?
After taxes were lowered, the government made more money, which proved this idea was correct.
What is lowering taxes helps businesses and the government?
Before World War I, Hoover helped organize food relief for people in this country affected by the war.
What is Belgium?
Roosevelt wanted to make sure the New Deal laws would not be ruled unconstitutional by this branch of government.
What is the Supreme Court?
This government organization was created to insure people’s bank deposits up to $2,500 if a bank failed.
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
Despite the challenges and criticism, Roosevelt was able to do this in 1936, securing his second term as president.
What is win reelection?
This is the practice that made many Americans desire to buy more products in the 1920s, especially appliances.
What is advertising?
While Harding appointed capable men to his cabinet, he also appointed some of these close friends who became involved in corruption.
Who are Harding’s "Ohio Gang" or corrupt cabinet members?
Farmers had a hard time because they couldn’t sell their crops for enough money to pay these.
What are loans?
Hoover signed this law in 1930 to protect American farmers from foreign competition by raising taxes on imports.
What is the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act?
Roosevelt proposed this controversial plan to add more justices to the Supreme Court if they didn’t retire at age seventy.
What is "court packing"?
Roosevelt passed a law that required businesses to do this so people could know if they were making wise investments.
What is tell the public how well their business was doing?
Roosevelt’s most important program, which provided money to older people and those who lost their jobs, was called this.
What is the Social Security Act?
This new form of entertainment in the 1920s led to the rise of movie stars and the fascination with their personal lives.
What is the movie industry (or cinema)?
In 1923, Harding died of a heart attack in San Francisco while on a western tour, and was succeeded by
Who was Calvin Coolidge?
Coolidge did not believe the government should do this to help farmers by buying extra crops.
What is get involved or interfere?
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act hurt American businesses because it caused other countries to do this to American goods.
What is raise their tariffs?
In 1937, the economy took another downturn when this event happened again, which was a sign of worsening economic problems.
Roosevelt believed that this was one of the main reasons for the Great Depression, as farms and factories were producing more than people needed.
What is overproduction?
Roosevelt’s main goal with his New Deal programs was to provide this for ordinary Americans during the Depression.
What is a sense of security?
Conservative Christians in the 1920s were concerned that this new form of entertainment was distracting people from spiritual pursuits.
What is radio and movies?
Warren Harding’s campaign promise of a return to "normalcy" appealed to many Americans who were tired of this type of government reform
What is Progressive reform?
Coolidge decided not to run for a third term because he believed this rule was important.
What is serving only two terms?
In the 1932 election, Hoover ran against this Democratic candidate who promised to help Americans recover from the Great Depression.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
During World War II, Roosevelt stopped attacking businesses because he needed their help with this.
What is the war effort?
This program gave young men jobs like building roads, bridges, and planting trees during the Great Depression.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
Roosevelt wanted to make the Democratic Party the party of these people, who supported social and economic progress.
Who are Progressives?