A platform where a person can get information that is either true or false (examples: newspaper, radio, Examples IN 2025: instagram/ tiktok/ facebook
MEDIA // social media
Who is this????
A popular trend of the time (ex: Fidgetspinners, ROBLOX)
What is: FAD
What does the image above represent?
Prohibition// the 18th Amendment
Speakeasies/ Bootleggers ensured Americans still had ways to get alcohol during the period of time it was considered illegal. All who participated in drinking could have been considered a criminal/ committed a crime.
Nativism is the FEAR OF Different people coming to the U.S. / IMMIGRANTS from FOREIGN countries AND DOMESTIC (The Great Migration).
It is the political policy of promoting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants, including by supporting immigration-restriction measures.
Made the sale of alcohol illegal.
What is: The 18th Amendment (PROHIBITION)
Who is this? She Wore short dresses, and usually had a bob. Usually seen dancing "The Charleston."
Illegal bars and clubs of the 1920s decade
What are: speakeasies (speakeasy)
What was the FIRST RED SCARE?
The First Red Scare was a period in the United States, around 1920, when many Americans were afraid of communism and radical political ideas/ anarchist ideas. People in the U.S. worried that communism might spread to their country.
When you see or think of the FIRST RED SCARE, what economic system should pop into your mind??
A state of Complete chaos; NO government, no laws/rules= no consequences
What is: anarchy
Who is this group and what did they believe in?
HINT: Remember the vocab term---- Nativism
Ku Klux Klan
The group stood for fighting against change in American culture, whether that meant accepting different people, morals, religions, cultures, etc-- the KKK fought against and did not accept or tolerate anyone who was not a WASP- white anglo-saxon, Protestant.
Music that was played during the Harlem Renaissance.
What is: Jazz Music
What did the Harlem Renaissance do for African American culture/ heritage in NYC in the 1920s? Did this end all discrimination????
Created a period of appreciation and acceptance of African American music/musicians, thinkers, norms.
NO NOT AT ALL- African Americans are still discriminated against intensely during this period and afterward in American society.
What was a popular place in NYC for Harlem Renaissance musicians/dancers/actors to go and perform at? They most likely had to enter and leave in a back door, keeping them separate from their white audience.
An economic system based on free enterprise and PRIVATE property.
The economic system of the United States operates like this.
What is: capitalism
Who is this??
Deep thinker/ Intellectual from the Harlem Renaissance
What method did Henry Ford use to mass-produce cars quickly and make them more affordable? (REMEMBER FORD MODEL T)
The Assembly Line
Why/HOW was the Ku Klux Klan able to gain so many followers (5 million Americans) in the 1920s?
NATIVISM. Americans in the U.S. were afraid of new comers and the changes they would bring- whether it was immigrants or African Americans. Afraid of taking away jobs, $$$, other opportunities.
What manufacturing process is occurring in the photo above?? & Explain why this method was important when it comes to the making of cars in the 1920s... (FORD MODEL T)
What is: the ASSEMBLY LINE.
THE ASSEMBLY LINE made the Ford Model T car much less expensive to make and very affordable for everyday hardworking people who didn't experience prosperity in the 20s... Also known as the "car for the common man"
An economic system in which all wealth and property are SHARED & owned by the COMMunity.
What is: COMMunism
What would you call Someone who smuggled alcohol (AKA rum runners) in order to supply and stock speakeasies (illegal bars secretly operating during the 20s).
Name the Vocab term with the definition: Buy now, and pay over a period of time.
!This is a trend in the 20s, which turns out to be a big reason as to why the stock market crashes in 1929!
What is: Installment buying
How did the 18th Amendment (Prohibition: made alcohol illegal in U.S.) increase organized crime (Gangsters)/ crime in general in the 1920s?
Mob bosses/ bootleggers like Al Capone and so many others began to supply underground bars with alcohol, which created a lot of crime and violence (turf wars) and everyday people such as factory workers, flappers, etc. were now considered criminals for having a drink after work.
Who gained the right to vote from the 19th Amendment?