What is one of the tools the Romans used to rule the republic.
The Twelve Tables.
What was the name for the poor?
Who was the Roman general during the Punic Wars?
Who were the mythical founders of Rome?
Romulus and Remus
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Who crossed the Rubicon?
Julius Caesar
How long did people in the Senate serve?
For life.
What was the name for the rich?
!Double Jeopardy!
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Answer wrong, lose double the points!
What was an important invention the Romans made for sea warfare?
A moveable bridge at the front of the ships?
Who killed their brother for jumping over a wall?
Who changed their name to Caesar Augustus?
What was the goal of the Roman legal system.
The Rule of Law, which ensures that the law applied to everyone equally.
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What were three common jobs plebeians had?
Farmers, Artisans, or Shopkeepers
Who crossed the Alps with his elephants?
What two animals raised Romulus and Remus?
A wolf and a woodpecker
When was Julius Caesar murdered?
The Ides of March (March 15)
Who was the famous dictator who was once just a farmer.
Who were the people used the poor for personal gain when farming?
What area was Rome hoping to seek control of during the Punic Wars?
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But, if you get it wrong, you lose double the points!
What is the Aeneid about?
The story of Aeneas settling Rome after leaving Troy after the Trojan War
Who were the five good emperors?
Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, & Marcus Aurelius
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What was the Council of Plebs?
It was the body of government for the plebian representatives.
Who were the bread and circuses made for?
The Plebeians
What area rebelled against Carthaginian Rule?
Who wrote the Aeneid?
Who appointed his horse as consul?