I killed my brother and became Rome's founder. (+100 for my brother's name).
Who is Romulus? Who is Remus?
+500 if you can name Romulus's hill.
+1000 if you can name Remus's hill.
The sole source of authority in a Roman family.
Who is paterfamilias?
What are the Punic Wars?
+200: Why are they called the Punic Wars?
The publication of these brought poor Romans an understanding of the Roman law.
What are the Twelve Tablets?
Where would be the best place to find somebody named Donte Martino Secundo in a Roman city?
Where is the bathhouse?
BONUS (+1000): Which member of this class was born just one day before Pompey, 2114 years later?
Who is Cincinnatus?
Huge estates owned by absentee wealthy elites and worked by slaves in the late Roman Republic.
What are latifundia?
The richest man in Rome, he was defeated and killed in battle far to the east of Rome.
Who is Crassus?
____________ acted as consuls while the consuls were away from Rome leading legions into battle.
Who are praetors?
Name Cleopatra's Roman lovers.
Who is Julius Caesar? Who is Mark Anthony?
BONUS (+200): Which man loved her more? How do you know?
My constant motto "Carthago delenda est" posthumously became the motto of the Third Punic War.
Who is Cato the Elder?
In the Struggle of the Orders, ______________ sought to increase their power by taking advantage of the fact that Rome’s survival depended on its army.
Who are plebeians?
BONUS (+300): What did they do?
"Vae Victis" is an important Latin phrase. What does it mean?
Woe to the conquered
BONUS (+300): What in Roman history gave this phrase its significance?
This political faction in the late Republic preferred traditional patron-client relationships.
Who are the Optimates?
A student of Sulla, this Roman war hero and statesman joined a triumvirate only to undermine it through his personal ambitions and find himself dead in an Egyptian assassination
Who is Pompey?
BONUS (+100 in English, +300 in Latin): What is his famous epithet?
I promised military volunteers land in exchange for service, but maybe I shouldn't have.
Who is Gaius Marius?
List four "values" esteemed by an ancient Roman citizen.
Answers may vary (discipline, order, justice, frugality, morality, agrarian life, etc. come to mind).
A military victory that is nearly as costly as a defeat is sometimes called _________________.
What is a "Pyrrhic victory"?
BONUS (+200): Why is it called this?
This made the concilium plebis's laws binding for all Romans.
What is the Lex Hortensia?
This reformer helped to subsidize grain prices for Rome's poor. He also sought to send the poor to colonize new lands.
Who is Gaius Gracchus?
I am the father of Hannibal, who helped rebuild Carthaginian prestige after the First Punic War.
Who is Hamilcar Barca?
Translate this into English: Senatus Ulusque Romanus. Then, explain its significance.
What is "the Senate and the Roman people"? Answers may vary.
Hannibal's greatest victory and perhaps Rome's greatest defeat.
What is the Battle of Cannae?
This law permitted plebeians and patricians to marry each other.
What is the lex canuleia?
War with the ___________ helped to demonstrate Rome's military flexibility.
Who are the Samnites?