This king founded the city of Rome.
Who was Romulus?
Who was Jupiter?
This governing body helped to advise the consuls and debated laws.
What was the Senate?
Rome fought against this people during the Punic Wars.
Who were the Carthaginians?
Who was Julius Caesar?
This king founded the Roman religion.
Who was Numa Pompilius?
Along with Jupiter, these two goddesses made up the Capitoline Triad.
Who were Juno and Minerva?
The Romans elected two men for this position to create laws and lead the armies.
What were the consuls?
Rome and Carthage fought over this island in the First Punic War.
What is Sicily?
Along with Caesar, these two men made up the First Triumvirate.
Who were Pompey and Crassus?
This king was the last king of Rome.
Who was Lucius Tarquinius Superbus?
The Romans used this system to heat their buildings.
What was the hypocaust system?
This government position was created to handle a crisis with absolute power.
What was the dictator?
This Carthaginian general marched an army all the way into Italy during the Second Punic War.
Who was Hannibal?
This Roman defeated Antony and claimed Egypt as his territory.
Who was Octavian?
These two men overthrew the Roman monarchy.
Who were Brutus and Collatinus?
This room in a Roman bathhouse would have a warm bath in it.
What was the Tepidarium?
This government position was given veto power to balance the power of the consuls.
What were the tribunes?
This battle was a very famous defeat for Rome.
What was the Battle of Cannae?
These two Romans were famous generals that took illegal control of Rome in order to reform the government.
Who were Marius and Sulla?
This king balanced Roman religion with warfare.
Who was Ancus Marcius?
These two Greek philosophies became very popular in Rome.
What were Stoicism and Epicureanism?
What was the proconsul?
This city was destroyed at the end of the Third Punic War.
What was Carthage?
These two Romans were famous tribunes remembered as champions of the people.
Who were the Gracchi brothers?