Heroin is considered this class of drug
Opioid or Narcotic
A common place where persons share openly for support
What is the A's or Room's
If you don't get enough of this, you won't feel rested and it could effect your mood in a negative way
When you write your thoughts in a notebook or diary
This team has no name in professional sports today
This neurotransmitter creates feelings of pleasure and happiness
A pros-cons list will aid you in this kind of process
Symptoms such as lowered mood, lack of energy, feelings of worthlessness, feelings of emptiness and sadness, are all symptoms of this
Be aware of these, as they can make you regress in your recovery. Examples are people, places, and things
When you go to a recreational facility to sweat and increase levels of dopamine
Drugs used for treating anxiety, such as Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium, are considered this class of drug
These 5 skills: don't talk over people, don't finish other people's sentences, paraphrase, listen actively, and maintain eye contact, are all parts of these kind of skills
Communication skills
Being in the present moment in a non-judgmental way
You can go to these for a supportive community. You can find them at local churches, schools, and community centers
AA/NA Meetings
When you follow a recipe to create a meal
From which 2 drug classes are the withdrawal effects the most fatal
Alcohol & benzodiazapines
The acronym S.M.A.R.T. Goals stands for this
Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely
The model in which a persons biology, psychology, and social environment are all taken into consideration
Use this person as a form of accountability- or for when you need assistance in deterring you from using
Sponsor/Recovery Coach
When you create pictures with pencils, markers, or brushes
Drug use effects the "reward circuit" in our brains. The "reward circuit" is located in this area of the brain.
The limbic system
Saying positive qualities about yourself in the mirror is an example of this
Counting backwards from 10, breathing exercises, and guided meditations are all forms of this type of psychology method
The Stages of Change
When you put things in the ground to watch them grow