What does Rosary mean?
Rose garden/Crown of roses
What is total number of Hail Mary's prayed?
What is a "Mystery"?
Significant event in Jesus and Mary's life
The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated each year in which month?
What are the four groups of mysteries we pray throughout the week?
Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious
What is the second Joyful Mystery?
The Visitation
Who did Mary give the idea of the rosary to?
St. Dominic
What is the last prayer we pray in the Rosary?
Hail Holy Queen
What is the third Sorrowful Mystery?
Crowning with Thorns
The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary were added in 2002 by which Pope.
Pope John Paul II
On the first Our Father we pray, who do we pray for?
The Pope
What is the fourth Glorious Mystery?
The Assumption
What prayer was initially repeated 150 times before the Rosary was used?
Our Father/Psalms
What is another name for the Hail Holy Queen
Salve Regina
Name the five Luminous Mysteries.
The Baptism of Jesus, The Wedding at Cana, The Proclamation, The Transfiguration, and the Institution of the Eucharist