WH Questions
Multiple Meaning Words

Who is rushing toward Mac and Dennis at the beginning of the story? 

  1. a swarm of crazed people 
  2. a woman named Ann Greerson 
  3. a girl named Anna Johnson 
  4. the owner of a gas station 

a swarm of crazed people


Two separate meanings for the word: Light

-the weight of something

-to illuminate a room 


Complete the sentence using a conjunction from FANBOYS.

  • The gas pump seemed to be working, __ he filled up the truck’s tank.


  • Name a Synonym for word: Scrambled
  • Clue-Dennis could hear the angry roar of the mob as they grew closer. Dennis gave one final push and felt the truck move. He scrambled into the truck’s bed. “Go, go, go!” he screamed at Mac. 

move quickly


Why does Dennis feel bad for the girl on the radio?

Dennis empathizes with the girl because she is alone, and he and Mac still have each other for support.


Where does the second half of this story take place?

  1. two miles outside a big city 
  2. in and around a gas station 
  3. at a ranch 
  4. deep in the wilderness


2. gas station


Two separate meanings for the word: drive

Clue- He had the drive to succeed. 

-to operate or control a vehicle

-to be motivated to do something


Complete the sentence using a conjunction from FANBOYS.

Once the tank was full, Dennis began filling up extra containers ___ putting them in the truck’s bed.


  • Name a synonym for word: Drenched
  • Clue-The truck sped forward, and Dennis clung to the sides of it to keep from falling off the back. He was drenched in sweat, and his hands were still shaking.

soaked, wet


What can we infer about the relationship between Mac and Dennis?

  • Inference: Mac and Dennis seem to trust each other and work together in dangerous situations. Dennis is willing to help by pushing the truck, and Mac takes responsibility for their survival by ensuring they have enough supplies.

Were those zombies?' asked Mac.

'I don’t know,' said Dennis. 'Whatever they were, they didn’t seem completely human.'

What evidence from the story supports the idea that the people Mac and Dennis saw were not "completely human"? 

  1. There were a lot of them. 
  2. They were "only twenty feet away" from Mac and Dennis. 
  3. They were "crazed" and had "wild eyes." 
  4. They were running toward Mac and Dennis. 

3. They were "crazed" and had "wild eyes."


Two separate meanings for the word: Stand

Clue-we have a stand in our entryway

-to remain upright on your feet

-a piece of furniture you can put things on


Complete the sentence using a conjunction from FANBOYS.

He turned on the radio, ___all he could find was static.


  • Name a synonym for word: Horde
  • Clue-Mac and Dennis drove back the way they had come, away from the city and the hordes. 

a large group


Why does Mac decide to pay for the supplies even though he isn't sure if the owner is alive?

Mac is likely trying to hold onto his sense of morality and responsibility, remembering Ann Greerson’s advice to be polite and considerate.


The young men talked over their next move as they drove. Big cities seemed dangerous, but the small towns were abandoned. Should they head back to the ranch? Go deeper into the wilderness? Or try to find other survivors who were also on the run? There was no easy answer. No matter what decision they made, it would be risky.

Based on the information in the story, why might any decision the young men make be risky? 

  1. They do not have much experience driving long distances at night. 
  2. They do not know whether they can trust the girl who says her name is Anna Johnson. 
  3. They have no map and do not know how to get back to the ranch. 
  4. Wherever they go, there is a chance they will come across more "crazed people."

4. Wherever they go, there is a chance they will come across more "crazed people."


Two separate meanings for the word: scrambled


scrambled- a way to make eggs

scrambled-to move quickly


Complete the sentence using a conjunction from FANBOYS.

Mac and Dennis were unsure whether to head back to the ranch __________ go deeper into the wilderness.


  • Name an Antonym for the word: Plague
  • Clue-The plague arrived in Sunnydale one week ago.” The girl’s voice shook with sobs. “I just want to know if there’s anyone else out there. Anyone who’s still human.”



Why does Dennis feel uneasy when Mac takes longer than expected inside the gas station?

Dennis is concerned because of the dangerous situation they are in, and the extended time suggests something may have gone wrong, possibly involving more threats or danger inside the station.

What is the main idea of this story? 

  1. A girl named Anna Johnson uses her father's radio kit to ask whether anyone "who's still human" is out there. 
  2. Two young men barely escape a crowd of people rushing toward them. 
  3. Mac enters a gas station and fills plastic bags with trail mix, bottled water, medicine, granola bars, and jars of peanut butter. 
  4. Two young men are trying to survive in a world where almost everyone seems to have gone crazy.

4. Two young men are trying to survive in a world where almost everyone seems to have gone crazy.


Two separate meanings for the word: horde/hoard

-to collect a lot of items

-a large group


Complete the sentence using a conjunction from FANBOYS.

They decided to stop at the gas station __________ they needed to fill up the truck’s tank.


  • Name an Antonyms for word: Supplies 
  • Mac grabbed a few plastic bags from the counter. He filled them with enough supplies for a few more weeks: trail mix, bottled water, medicine, granola bars, and jars of peanut butter. 

depletion, shortage


What does the condition of the gas station (e.g., trampled chips, torn refrigerator doors) suggest about what happened there?

  • The signs of a struggle indicate that the gas station was likely abandoned or raided, possibly by people who were either trying to survive or were affected by the plague. This suggests that the situation outside is chaotic and dangerous.