He was a member of the Romanov Royal Family who served as the last Czar of Russia
Nicholas II
This was a period from roughly 1905-1922 that saw the fall of the Russian autocracy and the rise of the Soviet Union.
The Russian Revolution
This war was started when the archduke of Austria was assassinated. The czar went to go fight on the frontlines. Much to the frustration of the Russian people.
World War One
The political party built by Lenin to create a communist revolution. Hint: Russian for "Majority"
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the ____
USSR/Soviet Union
Leader of the Bolshevik Party and a staunch supporter of communism.
Vladimir Lenin
War fought between the pro-socialist Red Army and the pro-imperialist White Army.
The Russian Civil War
This war was seen as an embarrassing loss for the Russians after they were defeated while fighting over Manchuria.
The Russo-Japanese War
Army during the Russian Civil War who supported communism/socialism.
The Red Army
This was the secret police used by the Bolsheviks and the Red Army
The Cheka
The military leader of the Red Army.
Leon Trotsky
This revolution saw the Communists rise to power as Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government.
The November Revolution
This was a protest that occurred in 1905 led by Father Georgy Gapon. This protest became a violent massacre when the czar’s men opened fire on the protesters.
Bloody Sunday
Army during the Russian Civil War who supported imperialism and the czar's return.
The White Army
Socialism is a political and economic theory that advocates for the people as a whole rather than private individuals to own and operate the ____________________________.
The means of production
Lenin's direct successor who transformed the Soviet Union into a brutal dictator.
Joseph Stalin
This was a protest that occurred in 1905 led by Father Georgy Gapon. This protest became a violent massacre when the czar’s men opened fire on the protesters.
Bloody Sunday
Widely disliked autocrat of the Russian Empire. He was disliked for his brutal working/living conditions, squashing talks of democracy, and religious pogroms.
Czar Nicholas II
This was the group consisting of the poor and lower class that Lenin said needed to rise up and forcefully take down the bourgeoisie.
The Proletariat
The political ideology of the Soviet Union. Not Capitalism but_____________
A Russian peasant who allegedly used magic to heal the czar's son and get close to the royal family.
This Revolution took place in the spring of 1917 and saw the czar abdicate his thrown. A provisional government would set up in its place.
The March Revolution
Was despised by Russians due to the belief that he was manipulating the royal family, specifically the czar's wife.
This Political Party was also socialist but stood against the Bolsheviks. Hint: Russian for "The Minority".
The Mensheviks
The economic ideology of the Soviet Union.