True or False:
To this day, physically, males have one fewer ribs than females. This is because God made Eve from one of Adam's ribs.
Marriage with one person at a time
This is the covenant symbol of marriage.
the wedding ring
True or False
Divorce hurts, but it ultimately will solve all your marital issues.
In the bible, like Genesis 2, we see marriage bonded and motivated by this. But history tells us this was not always the case until more modern times.
Before God created the woman in Genesis 2, what did God create and bring to Adam so that he would not be alone?
the animals
Where a female has more than one male husband.
The Roman Catholic Church never advocates divorce. Instead, what does the church emphasize when there are marital problems, as much as possible?
This is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or a legal/religious bodies.
We've said all semester long, these are the two goals of the Christian life.
To know God
To love others well (God, Neighbors, Enemies)
According to Genesis 2, where did the idea of marriage come from? Who introduced and created it?
Hideous as it sounds, California, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Washington all allow you to do this when getting married.
Child Marriage
Theologically, besides celebrating the wedding/marriage with the happy couple, what are the witnesses supposed to remind the couple of later on?
their vows to each other and God.
"It is to peace God has called you."
Saint Paul says divorce is permitted when the unbelieving spouse does this, for the sake of peace. What is it?
In effort to walk us through life, God gives these to the church - marking significant moments from the cradle to the grave. What are they?
Complete the scripture verse:
“For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two ...”
"...will become one flesh."
If you'd like to marry a relative instead of a stranger, states such as Alabama, Florida, California, Virginia, Maryland, and Massachusetts all allow you to do this. What is it?
Marry your cousin
What are some ways that the marriage covenant reflects a regular covenant of the bible?
it has vows/promises
it has a covenant symbol
it has witnesses
There are some in the church that argue that this is the ONLY reason anybody can get a divorce.
Adultry / Sexual Imorality
Complete the scripture verse:
“Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love, does not know God, because..."
"...because God is love."
Genesis 1 tells us "creation is good" no fewer than 7-times. Genesis 2 tells us God identifies something in creation that is "not good", even before the Fall into Sin in chapter 3. What does God say isn't good?
it is not good that human beings to be alone.
An informal marriage and legal aspect that makes people married due to their living together after a period of time.
Common Law Marriage
Ephesians 5 says the marriage covenant signifies this. This is why divorce fouls the picture.
The covenant between God and the Church
This makes marriage as if it never happened to begin with. Typically, the marriage has to be within a short time span, and because new information makes one of the spouses reconsider the marriage. What is this called?
an Annulment
According to Exodus, divorce is possible when the spouse "diminishs the food, clothing, or marital rights" of their partner. What is this called?
Neglect (physical/emotional)