when we are cleansed from original sin and we are accepted into christianity 😀
what is baptism?🤔
this is when we are sealed with the holy spirit🙏
what is conformation?🤔
when you receive the body and blood of christ🙏
what is holy Communion?🤔
Confess your sins to the father
What is Reconciliation?🤔
Bless the Sick, ill, and the dying.
What is anointing of the Sick?
We are poured/dumped into this
what is holy water? 🤔
We will be sealed in the gift of the Holy Spirit.
What is important about Confirmation?
What we eat and drink when we receive holy communion
What is the host and wine🤔
This person is always with you during Reconciliation?
What the priest?
What part of the body does the Priest anoints you?
what is the Forehead/Hands?🤔
It symbolizes spiritual purification & rebirth.
What is the purpose of baptism?
This oil is blessed during Holy Week and used at Confirmation.
What is Chrism?
what we wear during holy communion
what is a suit or a dress?🤔(formal clothes)
A prayer we say at out first reconciliation.
What is the act of contrition
The father anoints you with what kind of oil?
What is Olive oil?
Baptism by immersion is symbolic of what?
What is death & Resurrection?
At what age range are you available to do Confirmation? 🫶
What is 7-13 yr?
Also known as the Lord's Supper of the Eucharist
What is another name for Holy communion?🤔
we say this prayer to the priest to confess our sins
what is the act of contrition?🤔
This person blesses the holy oil for the sick
what is a Bishop?🤔
A time were children are deemed to be accountable for their actions.
What is enni age?
What is the 5 requirements of Confirmation?
"May this mingling of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ bring eternal life to us who receive it"
What does the Priest say?
conversion, confession and celebration
what is the three elements of reconciliation?🤔
First part of anointing of the sick.
What is the Prayer of Faith?