What are the two sacraments in the Lutheran Church?
What element is used in Baptism?
What two elements are used in Holy Communion?
Bread & wine
What book of the Bible tells about the first Lord’s Supper?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, 1 Corinthians
When do Lutherans typically baptize people?
As infants or anytime someone comes to faith.
Name two things that make something a sacrament.
Commanded by Christ
Physical Element Attached
Gift of God's Grace
What words must be said for a Baptism to be valid?
I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
What do Lutherans believe we receive in Communion?
Christ’s body & blood, in, with, and under the bread and wine
In which New Testament book does Paul warn the church to take Communion seriously?
1 Corinthians
What physical action can remind us of our baptism every day?
Making the sign of the cross with water
True or False: Sacraments are things we do to earn God’s love.
False. They are a Gift of God's Grace
Where in the Bible does Jesus command Baptism?
Matthew 28:19-20
What do we call Jesus’ words that make Communion valid?
Words of Institution
What Old Testament event foreshadowed the Lord’s Supper?
What should we do before receiving Communion?
Confess our sins and trust in Christ’s promise
What does the word “sacrament” mean?
A sacred act or mystery
What are the benefits of Baptism?
Forgiveness of sins, salvation, new life in Christ
What are the benefits of Holy Communion?
Forgiveness of sins, strengthening of faith, unity with Christ and the church
What does Romans 6:3-5 say happens to us in Baptism?
We are buried with Christ in his death and raised to new life with him.
How do the sacraments help us in hard times?
They remind us of God’s love, forgiveness, and presence in our lives.
Why do Lutherans only recognize two sacraments instead of seven, like some other churches?
Only Baptism & Communion have all three sacramental characteristics— a gift of God's grace, commanded by Christ, with a physical element attached.
Luther said Baptism isn’t just a one-time event but a daily reality. What does this mean?
We live in God’s grace every day, turning away from sin and living as new people in Christ.
Why do Lutherans believe Jesus is truly present in Communion instead of just a symbol?
Because Jesus said, “This is my body… This is my blood,” and Lutherans believe in the real presence of Christ.
In John 6:35, what does Jesus call himself that connects to Holy Communion?
The Bread of Life
Luther said, “Where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also…” what?
Life and salvation!