Where was St. Patrick born?
Great Britain ( somewhere in what is current day Scotland/Wales/Brittany)
In what US city was the first St. Patrick's Day parade?
A) Chicago
B) Boston
C) New York
B) Boston in 1737
In what year did the Pope Pius IX decree March 19th as St. Joseph's Feast Day as the spouse of Virgin Mary?
A) 1870
B) 1919
C) 870
A) 1870
Joseph was a descendent of the house of who?
King David
What did St. Patrick use the shamrock to teach people about?
The Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit
According to legends, what is the Leprechaun's principal occupation?
A cobbler
What items is St. Joseph commonly portrayed with?
the carpenter's square and lily.
The practice burying St. Joseph in your yard when trying to sell your house gained popularity in the US in what decade?
The 1980's when home sales were lower and mortgage rates were high.
In what century was St. Patrick born?
the 4th century(possibly years 373 - 390)
Leprechaun is what US University's mascot?
Notre Dame
What color is traditionally associated with St. Joseph Day?
Joseph in the old testament was the son of who?
The name Patrick come from the Latin word patricius, meaning what?
Name other Irish saints besides Patrick
Bridgitt (Brigid)
What kind of beans are associated with traditions of St. Joseph's Day ?
Fava beans
In the middle ages in Italy, there was a drought and people asked for St. Joseph to intervene, rain did come and fava beans survived the drought, they credited the beans for avoiding a famine and St. Joseph's intervention.
What food ingredient is used to symbolize sawdust in St. Joseph's day dishes?
What was St Patrick's original name?
Maewyn Succat
What does the popular Irish phrase "Erin go bragh" mean?
Ireland forever
In Italy, Spain and Portugal, St Joseph's day is also ________ _______
Father's Day
What pope had the birth name Joseph?
Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI