This is driving a surge in the amount of high quality information available to our buyers
What is Technology
Buyers are ____________.
Sellers appeal to _________ over __________.
Logic over emotion
The most effective sales calls starts with what?
A good opening
Buyers are more informed (maybe even over-informed) but are less available.
Customers like to ____. They just don't want to be _______ _____.
Sold to.
Buyers expect sellers to provide this, beyond product and services.
What is Insight
Which choice would most people choose? Why?
A. You will win $100.
B. There is a 1/3 chance that you will win $200, but a 2/3 chance you will win nothing
A. Because it is guaranteed.
Topic of discussion: Change feels risky. Buyers make changes when the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of change.
The opening. Put these in the best order:
Highlight benefit of meeting
Establish rapport
State reason for meeting.
Establish rapport
State reason for meeting
Highlight benefit of meeting
Seller-centric, highly engineered, one-size-fits all approach is the most effective approach for large selling organizations.
Whose ideas do buyers like the best?
Their own
Know my product thoroughly, understand the competitive landscape, and understand my customer's needs. This is called what?
Traditional or standardized selling approach/methodology
Name 2 of the 4 stages of the buying journey.
Identify needs.
Establish criteria.
Assess solutions.
Mitigate risks.
You can seek information with 3 types of questions.
Name 2 of those 3.
In early buying stages, customers want solutions to gain something. In later buying stages, they want to avoid pain.
Early stage = avoid pain
Later stage = solutions to gain
A deep understanding of buyer behavior and where they are in the buying journey, forms the key capability that enables foundational _______ _______.
Sales agility
An abundance of high quality information is ___________ the buyer's ability to make good purchasing decisions.
Pain and gain matter in decision making, but ____ without ____ is not very motivating and rarely leads to action.
In mid-stage conversations, we shift from pain to gain. The buyer's thinking becomes more __________ .
Focused on moving forward
Desired solution
It isn't always important to gain incremental commitment from the buyer.
False. Effective conversations lead to actionable next steps. Good, Better, Best
What 3 things are we always doing in our discussions with buyers?
1. Assess - buyers journey/buying factors
2. Choose - approach/plan
3. _______
Execute the plan
During the buying journey, buyers pivot and change in big ways as they react to information and changing conditions. What are two things that you can do to help the buyer?
Help the buyer prioritize information that matters.
Help the buyer make sense of the barrage of info.
Create confidence.
Reduce skepticism.
Buyers are human beings and therefore subject to fundamental aspects of this field of study.
What is psychology.
___________ statements acknowledge the buyer's words, ideas, problems and needs. It is a form of clarification and __________ listening.
In early stages, we can propose solutions. In later stages, we can ask the buyer about their perceived solutions.
In early stages we can try to help shape the buyers solutions, but we should think from the buyer's solutions. Remember: People like to buy not be sold to.
Effective conversations follow a predictable flow. Put these in the correct order.
Seek information
Open to set the tone/desired outcomes
Close with next steps
Share information