What the Name of the living Statue?
What does this scp does?
Well he like to cure people duh.
Since he a plague doctor
He is small
Hint: _ _ _ _
What is the dog name
I dare you to look around like a idoits
If you don`t follow these dare you must do a fornite dance
I spot a Bigfoot!
What is SCP-1000
Who like to read book a lot but did not pay attention in class?
Hint: _ _ _ _
Sani or should i say sony
I dare you to say I AM A MORONS
Press space if you can't do it
Space is Consequence
Walk around the room and ignore the teacher if you don't ignore then ask the creator for dares.
Say I love puthikol it is our children I love puthikol it is friends
Your punishment is to get talk with teacher Tyler for 5 hour
*Term and conditions apply
*No Refunds for dares until you finished
Who is the create this template?
He likes to guard
Lalala this is a tricky question
Who is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
Answer : Who is the creator of this template?
Lewis duh
What is Tyler
Tester yeeter Louder Endangers Raper
Just party by your self
Or else do homework assigned by teacher Tyler
Who been Naughty since 2019?
Hint:_ _ _ _ _
If he is here please don`t pick this one pls
Sorry i cant tell you
He like to eat victims
Who let us watch movie often the teacher Andre?
Hint: This should be easy
Teacher Tyler
What is a black hat hacker
A black hat hacker is a hacker that can steal information from someone account and lure them to NOT FIX THEIR ZERO DAY EXPLOITS.
No dares at all but teacher dares
Send us our REPORT CARDS
Or let us watch movie
What is my favorite place to go?
Siem Reap, Cambodia
You know what is the same answer as 400 duh
Daun Penh Campus Student Name Exposed Top Secret
1. He like to play with Mony.
2.Who study with me at Champion Coder?
3. Who is the person who like acting stupid but different in this campus
1. Naoto
2. Noreak Full name Khut Khun Noreak
3. Me the creator duh
What is a white hacker
A white hat hacker is a hacker that tell the creator about errors and fixes zero day exploits.
Teacher Dares I dares you to give us free candy
Or else you must coding challenge with me
If you couldn't do it well put us movie