What Feast do we chant "Today the Virgin"?
In what mountain did Jesus transfigured?
Which tune do we chant during the Two Feast of the Cross
Mother of God
What do cows eat?
Which Coptic month do we celebrate the Annunciation?
Baramhat 29th
What feast do we celebrate after Easter?
Thomas Sunday
Which saint do we celebrate each coptic month?
St May on the 21st
Archangel Michael on the 12th
How many days are there during St Mary's Fast?
What is the smallest country in the world by area?
Vatican City
When do we celebrate Ascension?
Fortieth day after Easter
What minor feast do we celebrate during Passion Week?
Covenant Thursday
Which feast do we celebrate each month?
29th of each month - Annunciation, Nativity and Resurrection
When do we celebrate the apparition of her body to the Apostles?
August 22nd
Which country is credited with inventing ice cream?
In what tune do we chant for Palm Sunday
The Shannon-Hosanna
In what month do we celebrate the Entrance of our Lord to the Temple?
February 15th
What Weekly feast do we celebrate?
Sunday! As it is the true Sabbath and we rest in the resurrection of Christ
How many celebrations of St Mary are there throughout the year?
- The annunciation of her birth (Misra 7, c. August 13);
- her Nativity (Paschans 1, c. May 9);
- her Presentation into the Temple (Kyahk 3, c. December 12);
- her Dormant (Tobah 2 1, c. January 29);
- the Assumption of her body (Paoni 21, c. June 28);
- her apparition over the Church of Zeitoon (Baramhat 24, c. April 2);
- and the apparition of her body to the Apostles (Mesra 16, c. August 22).
What sporting event has a strict dress code of all white?
What does Pentecost represent?
The birthday of the Christian Church
Name the 7 Minor Lordly Feast
Circumcision, Entrance of our lord into the Temple, Escape of the Holy Family to Egypt, Transfiguration of Christ, Munday Thursday (Covenant Thursday and Thomas Sunday
What are the Two months for The Feast of the Cross?
September 27th (Tout 17)
March 19th (Barmahat 10)
In which day do we celebrate the annunciation of her birth
August 13th
How many dots appear on a pair of dice?