DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! The book that was prophesied to come forth as a second witness of Jesus Christ. Ezekiel 37:15-17, 1 Nephi 13:39-40
What is the Book of Mormon?
The building places of 2 major temples
Jerusalem and Independence Missouri
The image of robes washed and made “white in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:14) refers to...
...our being purified through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (see Alma 5:21; 13:11–12; 3 Nephi 27:19).
We will have to walk back to Missouri for the meeting at Adam-ondi-Ahman
The length of the Millennium
1000 years
The power of Christ given to men in the last days. Luke 9:1-2, James 5:14-15
What is the priesthood?
The name of a large meeting conducted by Adam for the purpose of officially turning the government of the human family over to Christ.
What is Adam-ondi-Ahman
What symbol is used in Revelation 3:20 to illustrate Christ's readiness to receive us?
Christ knocking at the door
For those who are unmarried, they will have an opportunity to marry during the millennium
This event initiates the Millennium
The second coming of Christ to the Earth
There have been many already as well as many rumors of more. 1 Nephi 14:15-16
What is wars and rumors of wars
The number of prophets that will lay dead in the streets. Revelation 11:4-11
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! What is the symbol used in Revelation 7:3, 9:4 and 14:1 that symbolizes a protection much like the lamb’s blood that ancient Israelites in Egypt placed on their door frames to protect them from the destroying angel
The seal on their foreheads
Jesus Christ will reign during the 1000 years following the second coming
Michael the Archangel's earthly identity D&C 29:26
The term used to describe the darkness that covered the Earth after Christ's death and the deaths of his apostles. 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3
What is the great apostasy
The name of the final great war. Revelation 16:16
What is Armageddon
Name the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
Conquest, War, Famine, Death
“Revelation 6. The First Six Seals” in the New Testament Student Manual (2014), 542–43.
The dead will not be raised until the final Judgement after the millennium
False D&C 29:26
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! The leader of Christ's army at the Battle of Armageddon D&C 88:111-115
Adam or Michael
The ancient prophet that came to Joseph Smith and restored the sealing power as prophesied in the Bible. Malachi 4:5-6
Who is Elijah
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! The sun will become _____... and the moon become as _____ Revelation 6:12
Black, blood
What does the dragon symbolize in Revelation 12:3?
Satan (see Joseph Smith Translation, Revelation 12:8)
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! Satan will be bound because Christ is reigning on the Earth and Satan will never be loosed again.
FALSE D&C 43:31, 1 Nephi 22:26
This is required to be saved at the last day and dwell with God D&C 29:44-45