About the Prophet 1
About the Prophet 2
About the Prophet 3
More Info 1
More Info 2

List the names of people who took care of the Prophet, as well as being his wet nurse

Haleema Sacadiya, Abdul Muttalib, Abu Talib, Thuweyba, Umm Ayman


How old was the Prophet when Abu Talib planned to accompany a trade caravan to Syria?

12 years old


Who was the Christian monk who lived in Syria and came to welcome the caravan?



What dream did Abdul Muttalib have before discovering the ZamZam? What happened after that?

He had a dream in which he was shown where to dig the well. When he started digging next to the Ka'bah, the water of Zamzam began to flow. 


About how many people were the "first believers"?

About 130


Who was the slave of Abu Lahab?



What was the Prophets role in the Battke of Fijar?

Collect the enemy's arrows and hand them over to his uncles


What was the Prophet's childrens name?

Qasim, Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom, Fatimah, Abdullah, Ibraheem


What was the sceond revalation that was sent down to the Prophet and why?

Surah Muddaththir, This surah was instructions regarding to perform regular salah. He was ordered to teach his people about Allah and to warn them about consequences of their sins. Obey the commands of Allah. 


What was Abdul Muttalib known as? Why was he known as that?

The generous; he always gave leftovers to the needy.


Who else was Thuweybah nursing while also nursing the Prophet?

Her own child, Masrooh and Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and Abu Salamah bin Abdul Asad Makhzoomi


What was Amina's (the Prophets mother) fathers name? 

Wahb bin Abdu Munaf bin Zuhra bin Kilab


What lineage did the Prophet belong to? (BONUS: Who was this lineage named after?)

Hashmi; His great grandfather Hashim


In surah Quraysh, what does Allah remind the Quraysh about?

Allah reminded them of their debt to Him for the trade expeditions. 


What Mountain did the Prophet have everyone come together to tell everyone to turn to Allah? What did he yell out to get everyone together? 

Mount Safa; Ya Sabahah!


What was Aminas dream that while being pregnant with the Prophet?

A light was emitted from her lower body that illuminated the palaces of Syria


During the Battle of Fijar, a covenant was agreed upon among five tribes of the Quraysh, what was the covenant called and who were the five tribes? 

Hilf Al-Fudool; Banu Hashim, Banu Abdul Muttalib, Banu Asad, Banu Zahra, and Banu Taym


Where and when were the Prophet born?

He was born in She'eb Banu Hashim in Makkah, it was a Monday morning in spring, the ninth day of Rabi' Al-Awwal. 


Why was the prophet called "two sacrificed ones"?

Isma'eel was ransomed for a ram and his father for 100 camels. 


What did the people assume the Prophet was? 

They said first he was a Soothsayer, full of madness, poet, sorcerer


What was another name Abdullah was referred to as and why?

He was called Dhabih in reference to the rediscovery of ZamZam. 


Abul Muttalib vowed to Allah that he would sacrifice one of his ten sons if he was allowed to uncover the well, which son did he choose and. what was the alternitive solution? 

Abdullah, it was decided that 100 camels would be sacrificed in his place. 


What is the Prophet's full lineage? (You will get full points if you can at least name the first 5 names)

Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashin bin Abdu Munaf bin Qusayy bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Ka'b bin Luayy bin Ghalib bin Fihr bin Malik bin Nadir bin Kinana bin Khuzaymah bin Mudrika bin Ilyas bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma'd bin Adnan.


What verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet when they kept calling him names? 

Surah Al-Hijr, Ayah 97 and 98


Who were the first 4 people to accept Islam after Surah Muddaththir was revaled?

Khadeejah, Abu Bakr, Ali, Zaid
