The official color of Reddit's upvote button
What is Orange Red?
This animal does not seem particularly happy to make your acquaintance
Who is Grumpy Cat?
You better take these off before entering the house
Freddy Mercury has stated that he enjoys riding this wheeled contraption (and that he also doesn't like Star Wars)
What is a Bicycle?
These rubber bands invaded middle schools all across America in the early 2010s, even being banned in certain school districts
What are Silly Bandz?
Reddit's favorite branch of government
What is the Senate?
A young boy named Carter knocked on my door and asked for this fruit before walking away
What is a Banana?
You are at a Brony convention and are asked to preform this typical greeting with the other attendees
What is a brohoof?
My Chemical Romance character The Patient had a very tumultuous relationship with this family member on the album Welcome to the Black Parade.
Who is Mama? (Note: The father who took him into the city is shown in a positive light.)
This place can't shine as bright as the titular character in "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's
What is Times Square?
Much of Reddit's early success comes from the closing of this major website
What is Digg?
"Hello there!"
Who is General Kenobi?
You've made your immigrant mother upset at you. Instictively, you duck to avoid this commonly thrown projectile
What is a slipper?/What is "la chancla?"
The band Sleeping with Sirens suggests that if I'm James Dean then you are this famous Hollywood actress
Who is Audrey Hepburn?
The hardcore band Minor Threat is known for creating this movement characterized by refraining from alcohol or other recreational drugs
What is Straight Edge?
In 2013, Reddit users were able to join this vaguely purple team color
What is Periwinkle?
This famous horned Pixar character has taken the internet by storm with his bemused expression and added eyes
Who is Mike Wazowski?
You've made your Hispanic mother feel exasperated and she yells this common made-up phrase; A catchphrase of a Power Rangers robot
What is "Aye-yi-yi?" (Any pronounciation will do)
On the band Twenty One Pilots' album "Trench," this man and the Niners are "bishops" who rule the city of Dema; what those who know him closest call him
Who is Nico?
Vic Fuentes alluded to many cows in this East Coast Locale in a Pierce the Veil hit single
What is the Bronx? (Note: This is a play on the song "Bulls in the Bronx")
This April Fools event allowed users to place a single pixel every few minutes on a massive canvas
What is/was r/Place?
What is Impact?
The Youtube channel "The Game Theorist" used to have this Japanese scholar to present the show Culture Shock before eventually transitioning to his own channel
Who is (the) Gaijin Goomba?
The critically panned video game "Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric" was made on this aptly named game engine.
What is (the) CryEngine?
What is (the key of) G?