Semicolons in Lists
Semicolons Connecting Independent Clauses
Semicolons Replacing Coordinating Conjunctions
Semicolons with Conjunctive Adverbs
General Grammar Rules for Semicolons

In a list with internal commas, semicolons are used to separate items. True or false?



What punctuation mark is used to connect two independent clauses without a conjunction?

What is a semicolon?


Rewrite this sentence using a semicolon: ‘The weather was cold, and we stayed indoors.

The weather was cold; we stayed indoors.


What punctuation mark is used before conjunctive adverbs like ‘however’ or ‘therefore’?



Semicolons can be used to join these types of clauses without the need for coordinating conjunctions like but or and.

Independent clauses


Why are semicolons used in this list: ‘The menu includes steak, cooked medium-rare; salmon, grilled; and pasta, with marinara sauce’?

Semicolons are used to separate items that contain internal commas, ensuring clarity.


Identify the error in this sentence: ‘He finished his homework; and he went to bed.’

The error is the use of “and”; it should be removed: “He finished his homework; he went to bed.”


Explain why a semicolon is used instead of ‘but’ in this sentence: ‘The project was challenging; it was rewarding.’

A semicolon is used to connect two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning, replacing the conjunction “but.”


Rewrite this sentence using a semicolon: ‘She was late, however, she still made it to the meeting.

She was late; however, she still made it to the meeting.


What is wrong with the sentence? "I really like the band's music. I don't like their lyrics, however"

There is nothing wrong. A semicolon is not needed because the adverb comes at the end of the clause.


Rewrite this list using semicolons: ‘The conference had attendees from Paris, France, Berlin, Germany, and Tokyo, Japan.

The conference had attendees from Paris, France; Berlin, Germany; and Tokyo, Japan.


Rewrite this sentence using a semicolon: ‘She was tired, but she finished her work.’

She was tired; she finished her work.


Identify the error in this sentence: ‘She wanted to join the team; but she missed the tryouts.

The error is the use of “but”; it should be removed: “She wanted to join the team; she missed the tryouts.”


Identify the error in this sentence: ‘He didn’t study; therefore he failed the test.’

The error is the lack of a comma after “therefore”; it should be: “He didn’t study; therefore, he failed the test.”


Which other punctuation mark is used between clauses when the second clause explains, summarizes, or follows logically from the first apart from a semicolon?



Identify the error in this list: ‘We visited New York, New York; Los Angeles, California; and Miami, Florida.

There is no error.


Can a semicolon be used for this sentence? "The girl was tall and beautiful in her dress."

"The girl was tall and beautiful in her dress" is a single, complete sentence with a compound predicate ("tall and beautiful"), so no semicolon is needed.


This sentence uses a semicolon to replace and while maintaining a proper logical connection between the two clauses: "She was exhausted ___ she continued to work late into the night."

What is "She was exhausted; she continued to work late into the night"?


Put a semicolon where needed. "She arrived early and, however, still missed the opening remarks. "

No semicolon is needed because "however" is used as an interrupter within the same clause, not linking two independent clauses.


Is this sentence correct? "She had one goal in mind; to finish the marathon." 

No, it's wrong. That is an independent and dependent clause. AKA, a complex sentence. Do NOT use a semicolon. Use a colon.


Identify the error in this list: ‘The team consists of engineers, who design; developers, who code, and testers, who ensure quality.

The error is the comma after “developers”; it should be a semicolon: “developers, who code; and testers, who ensure quality.”


Is the sentence correct? "Although it was raining; we decided to go for a hike." 

In this sentence, the semicolon is incorrectly used because "Although it was raining" is a dependent clause, not an independent clause. Semicolons should only separate independent clauses (those that can stand alone as complete sentences).


Add a semicolon where needed.

"You should submit your application soon you might miss the deadline."

You should submit your application soon; you might miss the deadline.


Where should a semicolon be placed? "She doesn't like to bake. She does, however, enjoy buying cookies from bakeries."

A semicolon is not needed because the adverb is in the middle of a clause.


Is the punctuation correct? "I have a few favorite hobbies; reading is one of them."

Yes, it is. The semicolon connects two independent clauses, whereas the second clause provides additional information about the first.
