What part of the eye adjusts the amount of light that enters the eye?
The pupil, controlled by the iris
These parts of the body are used for hearing.
What are the ears?
Of the following which has a higher density of touch receptors?
Shoulder, ankle, belly, fingertips
Part of the body used to taste.
What is the tongue?
What is the inability to hear called?
What is the name of the nerve that carries visual information to the brain?
What is the optic nerve?
Made up of the hammer, anvil, and stirrup.
What is the middle ear?
What is the largest organ in the human body, and plays a crucial role in our sense of touch?
What is skin?
Salty, sweet, bitter, sour, and umami
What are the 5 types of taste?
What is anosmia?
Loss of the sense of smell
What type of lens is used to correct nearsightedness?
What are concave lens?
The vestibular system (including the semicircular canals)
Which part of the ear is responsible for balance?
Connects nerves from hand to the brain
The spinal cord
What are the sensory organs for taste located on the tongue?
What are a taste buds?
Damage in this part of the brain can cause problems in balance
Connects to the Thalamus to send signals from the eye.
What is the optic nerve?
Part of the air that converts the sound waves into vibrations
The ear drum
Give 2 types of touch receptors
pain, temperature, pressure, vibration
Where are olfactory receptors located?
In the olfactory epithelium, high in the nasal cavity
What's one of the biggest dangers to your hearing, especially as you get older?
Exposure to loud noises.
In what part of the eye does the image form to send the information to the brain?
What is the retina?
What part of the ear converts sound vibrations into electrical signals?
What is the cochlea?
Sensory information from touch receptors travels to a specific lobe of the brain for processing. Which lobe is this?
Parietal lobe
What is the name for the sensory cells in the nose that bind to odor molecules?
What are olfactory receptor neurons?
The ________________________ in the brain deciphers the combination of activated receptors to recognize the smell
What is the olfactory cortex?