Random Stuff

In what episode do the Baudelaires work in a lumber mill? 

The Miserable Mill


Who plays Count Olaf?

Neil Patrick Harris


What is Mr. Poe's first name?



Who does Klaus have a crush on?

Isadora or Fiona


Who are Frank and Ernest?

Dewey Denouement's brothers


Describe the plot of the Penultimate Peril.


In this book, the Baudelaire orphans are sent to work at Hotel Denouement to uncover which of the guests are working for the V.F.D. and which are working against them. Kit Snicket, claims to have worked with the Baudelaires' dead parents and she sends the children on their first mission for the V.F.D. working as concierges in the Hotel Denouement to discover which guests are working for the V.F.D. and which guests are working against the organization. They also want to discover the true identity of the mysterious J.S. and discover the location of the sugarbowl, a most treasured artifact for the V.F.D. and its enemies. All the members of the V.F.D. are scheduled to arrive at Hotel Denouement by Thursday for a very important meeting and the Baudelaires are sent to make sure the hotel is still a safe meeting place. If not, they are ordered to send a sign to the organization saying that their last safe place is safe no longer. To further complicate matters, the Baudelaires will be working with the hotel managers, identical twins Frank and Ernest Denouement. One twin is evil and the other is good, but no one can tell which is which. It is vital that the children keep their identities secret, lest they risk revealing their location to the enemies, including Count Olaf, who hunts them doggedly. On their first day at the hotel, the Baudelaires are overwhelmed by the amount of villains they see, including various villains from previous books in the series. Everywhere they go, the children take copious notes trying to discover who among them can be trusted. The hotel manages also send the children on strange errands - that may be for the benefit of the V.F.D. and may be for the benefit of their enemies - including handing sticky birdpaper to the rooftop and locking a Vernacularly Fastening Door in the laundry room. On their second day at the hotel, a third manager is revealed: Dewey Denouement, the third Denouement triplet. Dewey has organized all of the V.F.D.'s information about the villains and he plans to present this information at the upcoming trial, which is the true nature of Thursday's meeting. When Count Olaf suddenly appears, the threatens Dewey with a harpoon gun, demanding the code for unlocking the Vernacularly Fastened Door, where he is sure the sugar bowl is being held. In their attempt to save Dewey, the Baudelaire children accidentally fire Olaf's harpoon gun, and Dewey is fatally wounded. The Baudelaires are put on trial for murder the next morning, but the trial cannot be completed as Count Olaf kidnaps the judge to use as a hostage to demand that the Vernacularly Fastened Door be opened. Down in the laundry room, the Baudelaire children unexpectedly decide to help Count Olaf escape the hotel because they know he won't be able to find the sugar bowl and that they will be able to escape beside him and Sunny sets Hotel Denouement ablaze as a sign to the V.F.D. that the building is no longer safe for their Thursday meeting. At the close of the novel, the children find themselves adrift in a boat beside their archenemy, Count Olaf.


Who originally plays Sunny Baudelaire? 

Presley Smith


What is Esme's full name?

Esme Gigi Geniveve Squalor 


Who does Violet have a crush on?

Duncan or Quigley


What did Carmalita and Esme make the sausages out of? 

Crow meat, ewwwwwww


In which episode does Count Olaf kidnap Sunny, and try to kill the Baudelaires? 

The Carnivorous Carnival


Who plays Violet Baudelaire?

Malina Weissman


What is the name of the school librarian, who also plays Madame Lulu for little bit, before she is eaten alive by lions?

Olivia Caliban


Who did Lemony Snicket have a crush on?



What is the name of the poisonous mushroom in the Grim Grotto? 

The Medusoid Mycelium. 


Describe the plot of the Ersatz Elevator.

The Ersatz Elevator begins with Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire embarking on a brand new adventure. Their path has taken them this time to 667 Dark Avenue; the same city where they were born. Although happy to return to the city they loved, their uncertain future is troubling. They soon meet their new guardians, Jerome and Esme Gigi Geniveve Squalor. Esme and Jerome are night and day to one another. Jerome is gentle with a kind heart. Esme is greedy, cruel and obsessed with popularity. Her life revolves around things that are "in" and things that are "out." In fact, her only reason for adopting The Baudelaires was that orphans were "in." The Baudelaires new home is a spacious penthouse with hundreds of different rooms. Although they are now living in the lap of luxury, lingering concern for their missing friends, the Quagmires, hangs heavily over their heads. They cannot reconcile their own comfort with the danger that their friends are in. The thought that Mr. Poe is now in charge of finding the Quagmires is no comfort to them. In addition to worrying about their friends, the ever-present threat of Count Olaf looms. The threat is soon realized when an auctioneer named Gunther befriends Esme in preparation for her annual "In Auction." The children recognize him immediately, but everyone else is in the dark. Now that their hoped for safety has been shattered, Violet, Klaus and Sunny must do all they can to escape Count Olaf's clutches and rescue their friends. With him nearby, they hope their friends are nearby as well, but don't know just how right they are. When nothing seems to come of Olaf's surprise appearance, and he vanishes into apparently thin air, The Baudelaires work to uncover his plot. With their combined talents and skills they discover a passageway that leads from the penthouse down to a hidden room. Inside the room, they find their friends, Isadora and Duncan Quagmire. They try to break them out of their cage, but return to find their friends missing once again. The Baudelaires have the responsibility to figure out how Count Olaf plans to smuggle the Quagmires out of the city and the "In Auction" seems to be their best bet. The children will have to decipher two red herrings and escape from a surprise set up for them by someone they thought they could trust. Time is running out for the Quagmires and The Baudelaires will need all of their combined resources to get their friends and themselves out of danger before it is too late.


Who plays Mr. Poe (the blithering buffoon)?

K. Todd Freeman


What are the names of Mr. Poe's sons?

Edgar and Albert


Who are all the people Count Olaf liked? (Think back to the Vile Village!)

Georgina, Josephine, and Kate (He never really "loved" Esme!)


Who does Lemony Snicket throw the poison dart at?

Count Olaf's daddy!


In what episode do the Baudelaires meet Carmalita Spats? 

The Austere Acadamy. 


Who plays Isadora Quagmire? 

Avi Lake


What did Kate Snicket name her daughter?

Beatrice the 2nd


Who did Kate Snicket have a crush on?

Dewey Denouement 


Who adopt Count Olaf, and teach him to light fires after his dad died?

The man with no hair but a beard, and the woman that has hair but no beard.
