What is the most common region of a humeral fracture?
Surgical Neck
What are the special tests for the acromioclavicular joint?
AC joint play
Piano Key Test
AC Traction Test
AC Shear/Compression Test
Cross Body Adduction Test
AC Resisted Extension
How many positions exist in the shoulder that are differentiated by 1-degree increments?
What is Carrie's cheer when it comes to shoulder rehab?
When I say tendinopathy, you say eccentric
What condition is also known as "frozen shoulder"?
Adhesive capsulitis
What type of lesion is associated with an osteochondral fracture of the posterior humeral head and occurs with an anterior GH dislocation?
Hill-Sachs Lesion
What are the special tests for Scapular Stability
Scapular Stability Test
Scapular Assistance Test
Scapular Retraction Test
What are the 1st and 2nd bones to ossify?
1st = clavicle
2nd = scapula
What force couple is defined by having downward stability within the shoulder and compressive forces to maintain the humeral head within the glenoid when elevating the arm?
Anterior-posterior rotator cuff force couple
What condition is known as "burner/stinger"?
Brachial Plexopathy or Stretch Syndrome
What are the MOI of a SLAP tear?
Compression or traction mechanism
Max ER and ABD (cocking phase)
Repetitive trauma (throwing)
Heavy lifting
Speed's Test
Yergason's Test
Ludington's Test
Upper cut test
What are the normal angles of torsion and inclination?
Torsion: 20-30 degrees retroversion
Inclination: 130-150 degrees
Give me an example of both an open and closed kinetic change functional test.
Open: Seated Medicine ball throw
Closed: Y-balance test upper quarter or closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test
What is the most common population for thoracic outlet syndrome?
20-50 year old patients
Neurogenic is more common in women
Vascular is equally common between sexes
What is often the cause of a bicep brachii sprain?
Eccentric cause from throwing deceleration
What are the special tests for thoracic outlet syndrome?
Adson's Test
Allen Test
Brachial Plexus Lesion Test
What is the ratio of GH movement to ST in shoulder abduction?
What is the starting position of D1 extension?
Shoulder: Flexed/Adducted/externally rotated
Elbow: Flexed
Wrist: Neutral
Fingers: Flexed
What is the mechanism for an anterior or subcoracoid GH dislocation?
Excessive abduction, external rotation, anterior force on humeral head (forced horizontal abduction)
Supraspinatus tendon
Infraspinatus tendon
Subacromial Bursa
Superior Capsule
Long head of biceps
What are the special tests for labral lesions?
Anterior Slide Test
Clunk Test
O'Brien's Test
Bicep Load Test 1
Grind Test
Compression Rotation Test
Jerk Test
Modified Dynamic Labral Shear
What muscles act on the scapula? Humerus?
Scapula: Rhomboids, Levator Scapulae, Serratus Anterior, Trapezius, Lattisimus Dorsi, and Pactoralis Major
Humerus: Rotator Cuff Muscles, Deltoid Muscles, Pectoralis Major, Latissimus group, Long head of the Triceps, Coricobrachiallis, Biceps Brachii
What is under the umbrella of strengthening?
Muscle activation, power, neuromuscular control, endurance, isometric, isotonic, isokinetic, plyometric
What does the acronym SICK scapula stand for?
S: Scapular malposition
I: Inferior medial scapular winging
C: Coracoid tenderness
K: Kinesis abnormalities of the scapula