Who comforted Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) after the first revelation when he felt terrified?
His wife, Bibi Khadijah (s.a)
What does "Faraj" mean?
Relief from sadness and distress.
What is the meaning of the word Sha'ban?
Branch or separation.
Why should we remember the Imam of our time during Ramadan?
It helps us stay focused on the perfect example of worship and reminds us of the true guide sent by Allah.
What is a fidyah and is it necessary to pay fidyah if you didn’t make up (Qada) your fast before the next Ramadan?
Compensation where 750g of food is given to the poor for each missed fast.
Where was the Prophet when the first verse of the Quran was revealed, and which verse was it?
Cave of Hira,
Surah Al-‘Alaq,
verse 1.
What is the purpose of reciting Dua Al-Faraj during Imam Mahdi’s (A.S.) Ghaibah?
To show love, build a spiritual connection, and pray for Imam Mahdi’s (A.S.) quick reappearance.
What are the properties of the Rajab River in Paradise?
Whiter than milk, sweeter than honey.
Why is it important to reflect during Ramadan?
Reflecting helps you grow spiritually by thinking about your relationship with Allah and understanding yourself better.
What should a Muslim do if unsure whether it’s the first day of Ramadan or the last day of Sha’ban?
Fast with the intention of a Qada or recommended fast; if confirmed as Ramadan, change the intention and continue fasting.
At what age did the revelation start, and what happened during it?
At age 40. Angel Jibrael brought the glad tidings of prophethood and recited verses of the Quran, illuminating the Prophet’s heart.
The term _________ means a clear proof that silences opposition, representing God's proof to humanity.
Which night is the most favorable after Laylat al-Qadr?
The 15th of Sha'ban.
What is Laylatul Qadr?
What is the recommendation for these nights?
It’s a special night in Ramadan, better than 1,000 months.
Stay awake all night, Pray special duas, and reflect deeply to seek Allah’s forgiveness and blessings.
What are some makruh (discouraged) acts during fasting?
Mention any 3
According to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), what are the four signs of a repentant person?
What is the difference between Taubah and Istighfar?
Taubah is sincere regret with a firm intention to avoid the sin, while Istighfar is asking Allah (SWT) to forgive and cover our faults.
Whose births are in the month of Sha'ban? (Name any 3 Imams)
Mention the dates as well
3rd Shaban - Imam Hussain a.s
5th Shaban - Imam Zayn ul Abideen a.s
15th Shaban - Imam Mahdi a.s
What does "Quality Over Quantity" mean during Ramadan?
It means focusing on understanding and feeling Quran verses and prayers deeply, instead of rushing through them.
What should you do if you don’t complete your Qada fast before the next Ramadan?
Perform Qada after Ramadan and pay fidyah for each missed fast (750g of food to the poor per day).
What significant event occurred when the Prophet (S.A.W.W.) was 37 years old involving Angel Jibrael?
Angel Jibrael appeared, struck the ground, and a water spring emerged. Jibrael did wuddo and the prophet followed him, and they prayed Zuhr together.
What are the things we are asking from Allah in Dua e Faraj, Name any four.
The Guardianship of Allah
The protection of Allah
The Leadership of Allah
The Help of Allah
The Guidance of Allah
The Close Supervision of Allah
The Dominion of imam on earth
The Prolong duration of his rule
"Whoever fasts for three days on ________, ________, and _________ will receive the reward of 900 years of worship."
As per Imam Ali a.s. Narration:
Fasting of the Heart is better than fasting of _________ and Fasting of _________ is better than Fasting of __________
Name any three kinds of people who are exceptions for missing the fast.
1) Elderly who cannot fast (no Qada or fidyah),
2) People with temporary illness (Qada required)
3) Pregnant women (Qada and fidyah required).
4) People who can fast but with hardship (No Qada, but have to pay the fidyah)
5) People who are going through long-term illness (No Qada, but have to pay the fidyah)