Who is the author of this story?
Tedd Arnold
Why does Norman paint signs that tell people to do silly things?
He thinks it is funny.
What does the word assistant mean?
The teacher asked her assistant to help her clean up the classroom.
What does the word clear mean?
Jim will clear the dirty dishes from the table after supper.
move, take things away from someplace
Where do we need a comma in this sentence?
Jan played a few tricks on April 1 2011.
April 1, 2011
Which sign does Norman paint while the signmaker naps?
Why do the people of the town take down Norman's signs?
They don't think Norman's signs are funny.
What does the word polite mean?
The polite girl held the door open for her grandfather.
having good manners, being respectful
What does the word trouble mean?
Jill is having trouble tying her shoe.
What is wrong with this sentence?
Julio was born on July, 4, 2002.
You don't need a comma after July.
It should be: July 4, 2002
Where does Norman put up his OPEN FOR SWIMMING sign?
at the fountain
What does Norman learn at the END of the story?
Jokes that cause problems are not funny.
What does the word agree mean?
Matt thinks basketball is the best sport, but Amy does not agree.
have the same idea
Which word best completes the sentence?
I will ___ a secret in your ear. (chat, talk, whisper, yell)
Where do we need to put a comma in this sentence?
On June 23 2012, workers began building the new school.
June 23, 2012
What might have happened if the signmaker had seen Norman painting the BUY NORMAN A PRESENT sign?
He would have scolded Norman.
Where did the angry crowd of people chase the signmaker into?
The angry crowd of people chased the signmaker into the WOODS.
Which word best completes the sentence?
Mother __ the door quietly so she wouldn't wake the baby. (banged, closed, hit, slammed)
Which word best completes the sentence?
___ the skin off the banana before you eat it. (Grab, Peel, Pinch, Rip)
Where do we need a comma?
Aunt Sylvia lives in Fort Myers Florida.
Fort Myers, Florida
How does the author let the reader know what happens AFTER Norman puts up his silly signs?
He uses pictures to show it
Why did the Signmaker leave to the next town?
The Signmaker had to leave to the next town to paint a large sign on a storefront.
Which word best completes the sentence?
The movie was so ___ that we turned it off and played a game instead. (boring, calm, quiet, sleepy)
Which word best completes the sentence?
My coat keeps me nice and ___ on cold days. (boiling, burning, cool, warm)
What do we need to fix in this sentence?
Have you ever been to New York, City, New York?
Take away the comma after York.
It should be: New York City, New York