If you agree with someone does that mean you are saying yes to them or no?
If someone is tearing up paper what does that mean?
They are ripping it.
What kinds of signs did the sign maker make for the people?
Signs to help them around town.
When the townspeople realize the signs are bad and they don't trust the signmaker what do they do?
They tear down all the signs.
What does the sign maker do when people thank him?
He says he couldn't have done it without his assistant.
What does it mean to be an assistant?
To be a helper
If you have to clear the dirty dishes from the table, where would you put them?
The sink to be washed.
What is the first sign that Norman the assistant makes when the sign maker falls asleep?
No School Today
When the signmaker comes back to town, what do the people do?
They chase him into the woods.
What does Norman do as an assistant to the signmaker?
He cuts wood
helps paint signs
mixes colors
If you failed a test does that mean you did very well on it or very bad?
Very bad
What happens when you get in trouble?
You get grounded
You cant play with friends
You cant play video games
Do the people believe Normans sign that says No School Today? How do you know?
Yes, even the principal was confused but they followed the sign.
Why does the town have a hard time running the town without signs?
It is dangerous for everyone.
What did the townspeople realize about them following silly signs?
Not to follow everything just because it is something they read.
Tell me something that is a polite thing to do?
to help someone
to listen
to be kind
When have you been an assistant to someone?
What sign was put at the water fountain? Was it safe?
Open for swimming, it is dangerous and illegal to swim in fountains.
What does Norman do when he sees the people chasing the signmaker into the woods.
He cleans up the town
Puts the good signs back up
writes an apology sign.
Does the town want Norman to leave town?
No they want him to stay and work, they forgave him.
If you have wisdom what does that mean?
To be smart
to have knowledge
to have good information
What wisdom from your parents have they shared with you?
Watch before crossing the street
never go with strangers
When the signmaker goes out of town what does norman do?
He makes all kind of silly and dangerous signs in the town.
What does Norman do after he fixes all his mistakes?
He packs up to leave the town.
Did Norman learn from his mistake?