Bags that fill with air.
What are the lungs?
The common name for the Trachea.
What is the windpipe?
The forward or "mask" resonating voice.
What is mixed voice?
(the act of vibrating the vocal folds)
What is Phonation?
These ribs expand the most when we take a deep breath.
What are the floating ribs?
The tube that allows air to enter and exit the lungs.
What is the Trachea?
The Trachea (windpipe) moves air into these smaller tubs.
What are Bronchi?
The soft upper resonating voice.
What is head voice?
Changing TIMBRE
(the act of amplifying and altering the voice)
What is Resonation?
The area in the back of the throat that we can expand to change our vocal timbre.
What is the Pharynx?
The giant muscle that helps us breathe.
What is the Diaphragm?
At the end of the Bronciloes are tiny sacs that transfer air to the blood stream.
What are Alvoeli?
The voice that resonates in your body.
What is the Chest Voice?
Creating Words
(the act of creating of vowels and consonants)
What is Articulation?
The voice box. It holds our vocal chords.
What is the Larynx?
The cage the surrounds and protects your lungs.
What is the rib cage?
These cells exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen from the Aveoli.
What are the blood cells?
The really high tiny voice.
What is the Whistle Voice?
What is the unique sound of a voice or instrument called?
What is Timbre?
The funny flap that closes over the top of the Larynx when we swallow?
What is the Epiglottis?
The color of Ms. Charla's cat's eyes.
(the act of breathing air in and out)
What is Respiration?
The growly voice.
What is vocal fry?
The best food in the world?
What is pizza?
The tube you use to swallow food and water.
What is the Esophagus?