Single Mom in Kansas City
TSMKC Programs
Single Mom Statistics
The Single Mom KC
TSMKC Programs Part II

According to the U.S. Census, this is the number of single-mom households in Kansas City.

What is 61,000? (+/- 4000)


This program serves between 150 and 200 single mom each month.

What is the Clothed with Dignity Boutique?


This is the poverty rate for one adult and two dependents.

What is $25,820? 


The Single Mom KC was founded as a 501(c)(3) in this year. 

What is 2009?


This is TSMKC's newest program, launching this month! 

What is Hope Ambassadors?

According to the U.S. Census, this is the number of children in Kansas City being raised in single-mom households. 

What is 115,000? (=/- 10,000)


Learning to Lead is TSMKC's most intensive small-group workshop, with the full course running for this many months each year. 

What is 12? 


According to the National Women's Law Center, for every $1 the average male earns, a single mom earns this. (+/- $0.15)

What is $0.54? 


The Single Mom KC was founded as a 501(c)(3) in this state.

What is Ohio?


This group of monthly recurring donors is made up of 64 members who support The Single Mom KC's overhead and ongoing expenses. 

What is Family Circle? 

While the national average of children being raised in single-parent homes is 34%, in Kansas City the rate is higher at _____%.

What is 40%?  (+/- 1%)


The Pathways to Restoration program incorporates these 4 learning pillars. 

What is emotional health, spiritual growth, parenting & life skills?  (2 out of 4 accepted)


According to MIT's Living Wage calculator, a single mom living in Jackson county with 2 children need to make this hourly rate in order to provide just the basics for her family. (+/- $8)

What is $50.85? 


These are the three counties most heavily served by The Single Mom KC. 

What are Jackson, Wyandotte and Johnson? 


The first Wednesday of every month, single moms and their children gather to share a meal and hear a speaker at Pursuit, located in South Kansas City and this city.

What is Kansas City, Kansas?


Of all single-parent families in Kansas City, single-mom households make up this percentage.

What is 75%?  (With single-dad households making up 25%)


TSMKC uses the Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix to assess the long-term _________ of its program on participants. 

What is impact?


According to the U.S. Census, this percent of children living in single-mom households are living in poverty. (+/- 5%)

What is 46%?


This is the percentage, (+/- 5%) of single moms being served at The Single Mom KC who live at or below 200% of the poverty level.  

What is 82%? 


TSMKC workshops include the following topics: Healthy Boundaries, ___________________, Raising Resilient Kids and Trauma-Healing. 

What is Financial Stability? 


As the only orgaization in Kansas City serving single mothers regardless of age or housing access, The Single Mom KC has a Google reviews rating of _____, from 17 reviewers. 

What is 4.9?


The Single Mom KC works with this many churches, who provide inkind support, volunteers, meeting space, meals and financial support. 

What is 13?


Single parents are more likely to be negatively impacted by stress, depression and this, also identified as a national-wide epedemic by the U.S. Surgeon General in 2023.

What is loneliness?


The Single Mom KC has _____ full and part-time staff, including its most recently hired Hope Ambassador Program Manager.

What is 7?


The Single Mom KC's 2025 Leadership Team has ____ members, not including staff.

What is 7? (+/- 1)
