What is the name of the ICA store in Vallatorp, Täby?
Ica Dragonen
What candy bar once used the slogan: "Who'd a thought it! A double malted milk in a candy bar?!"
What do you call a naturally occurring piece of gold larger than a grain?
A nugget
Magpies are the worst, am I right? But what is a magpie in Swedish?
2. the Mars bar is a copy of the Japp bar. 3. They are exactly the same product.
1. The japp is a copy of the Mars bar
What is the name of the dragon who is guarding the treasures of Erebor in The Hobbit?
What planet is the 6th planet from the sun?
What American heavy metal band has written the songs Master of puppets, Nothing else matters, and Enter Sandman?
What do you call a bunch of geese with another name?
A gaggle of geese
Aside from orange and peach, what is the main flavor of the tropical fusion in Fanta exotic?
Passion fruit
What is the name of the Sword that was wielded by King Arthur in his quest to unite Britain?
What other planet in our solar system has a similar blueish green color as Neptune?
What chemical element with the symbol Fe (latin: ferrum) has the atomic number 26 in the periodic table?
What was the name of the Soviet space dog who was one of the first animals in space and the first to orbit the Earth
Which one of the following O'boy flavors has never existed: Strawberry, Blueberry, Elderflower, or Banana
What is the name of the first dragon pokémon in the Pokedex?
Charizard (6)
What is the name of the squeeky Cypriot cheese made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk?
What is the light metal, which has symbol Al and atomic number 13, called, Aluminum, Aluminium or both?
Both are OK, Aluminum is North American and Aluminium is British.
The world's largest spider can become up to 30 cm long and is therefore named after a biblical giant, which one? (Hint: its last name is "Birdeater", yuck!)
What yummy treat was, at nationwide launch in 1997, reviewed as:
"a quick-serve medley of gelatinous, innocuous ice cream that some reviewers might consider closer to caulk than dairy" and "the epitome of low stakes, drive-thru fun".
What is the significance of this idiom, and how does it relate to swords? "The house was mortgaged up to the hilt."
The hilt is the handle of the sword, and being mortgaged up to the hilt signifies that you have plunged the sword all the way in, and borrowed as much money as possible.
What unit of length is used to measure the large distances to astronomical objects outside the Solar System, approximately equal to 3.26 light-years or 206,265 astronomical units (AU), i.e. 30.9 trillion kilometres (19.2 trillion miles).
Symbol: PC
What British heavy metal band is famous wrote the following infamous metal songs: The Trooper, Run to the hills, Fear of the dark and Number of the beast?
Iron Maiden
What is the name of the worlds most venomous snake, which can be found in two varieties at the inland-, and coast of Australia? (hint: the inland version is the more dangerous one).
Taipan (One bite has enough venom to kill 100 humans)
What am I describing: a confection consisting of toasted marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker. S'mores are popular in the United States and Canada, and traditionally cooked over a campfire.