A design technique where content is loaded continuously as the user scrolls down the screen.
What is infinite scroll?
A place where you can post pictures, view photos of your friends, and look at reels.
What is Instagram?
What is Flat Earth?
Who is Mark Zuckerberg?
The main character that we follow in The Social Dilemma.
Who is Ben?
A set of mathematical instructions followed by a computer to achieve a set outcome.
What is the algorithm?
An app that allows you to take pictures and send them directly to your friends, and saves your memories.
What is Snapchat?
A conspiracy that had people believing that you could buy a pizza when it was really a trafficked person.
What is pizza gate?
Who is Steve Jobs?
Tristan compared this item to describe people using their phones when they feel uncomfortable, lonely, uncertain, or sad.
What is a digital pacifier?
What is a dilemma?
An app where people post videos of themselves doing a variety of activities. You can even follow friends and keep track of all of the videos you've liked.
What is TikTok?
A country that weaponized social media.
What is Myanmar?
Chamath Paliphapitiya says that ______ is a fake brittle popularity that's short term.
What is hearts, likes, thumbs up?
This was the app that Tristan Harris felt most addicted to.
What is email?
False stories that appear to be news, often spread on the internet to influence political views, discredit a public figure or as a joke.
What is fake news?
What is social media?
This gentlemen used to work at Google, was addicted to his email, and now works to promote social media ethics.
Who is Tristan Harris?
This finally lured Ben back to his phone.
What is a notification about his ex-girlfriend's new relationship?
A method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better.
What is A/B Test?
What is WhatsApp?
What is "no need for compromise, no need for people to come together?"
This person advocates for people to delete all of their social media accounts, and discusses how Wikipedia is a website that doesn't change a definition based on the person who's searching.
Who is Jaron Lanier?
20-35-year-old white guys living in California.
What is the average social media designer in 2020?