What is earth's mainly made up of?
Earth is made up of mainly 70.8% water
Which is larger Uranus or Saturn?
How many planets orbit the sun?
8 planets
Is Pluto a planet? why or why not?
no because it doesn't fulfill one of the 3 criteria being it “has not cleared its neighboring region of other objects.”
What is our galaxy classified as? What is it called?
Spiral Galaxy; Milky Way
How many mercury years does it take for mercury to have one day?
2 years
How many spacecrafts have visited Saturn?
4; pioneer 11, voyager 1 and 2, and cassani-hugens
Does the sun have any moons?
What country is Pluto similar in size with?
What is the closest galaxy to our solar system?
What is Earth's core made up of and what does it create?
It is made up of molten iron core and magnetic field
Which planet is the fastest spinning one?
True or false, the sun is a perfect sphere
False, but it is nearly a perfect sphere.
What is the shape of the orbit of Pluto?
oval shape
List the planets that have rings.
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Jupiter
What is the largest mountain in our solar system and what planet is it on?
Olympus Mons, Mars
what is Uranus' atmosphere ,mainly made up of?
Name the three atmospheric layers of the sun
Photosphere, chromosphere, and corona
What are both of the planets int he kuiper belt?
Pluto and Eris
What is the smallest and innermost known circumstellar disk in the solar system?
The asteroid belt
What is the different about Venus' rotational axis compared to other planets?
Why is Jupiter a failed star?( double jeopardy)
it is a failed star because it isn't massive enough to have internal pressure and temp. necessary to fuse hydrogen and helium.
What from the sun helps towards the production of the ozone layer?
Ultra violet radiation
Does Pluto fall in the orbital line along with the other planets? why or why not?
no because it has an extreme elliptical orbit
What is the largest moon in the solar system?(double jeopardy)