To keep him from going to war, Thetis hides Achilles on this island, disguised as a girl.
What is Scyros?
This Greek king, known for his cunning, helps uncover Achilles' disguise.
Who is Odysseus?
Achilles and Patroclus sail with the Greeks toward Troy, marking the start of this famous war.
What is the Trojan War?
While on Scyros, Achilles is forced to marry this princess.
Who is Deidameia?
The Trojan War begins because of a conflict over this Spartan queen.
Who is Helen?
As the Greeks prepare for battle, Achilles is given this title as their strongest warrior.
What is "Best of the Greeks"?
Odysseus and Diomedes reveal Achilles' true identity using this trick.
What is laying out gifts, including weapons, and watching for his reaction?
Achilles learns that if he goes to Troy, he will gain eternal fame but will not have this.
What is a long life?
Before reaching Troy, the Greek fleet is delayed at Aulis because this goddess demands a sacrifice.
Who is Artemis?
While disguised as a girl on Scyros, Achilles is given this feminine name.
What is Pyrrha?
This oath, sworn by the Greek kings and heroes, bound them to fight for Helen’s return and led to the Trojan War.
What is the Oath of Tyndareus?
After being discovered, Achilles joins the Greek forces assembling at this location.
What is Aulis?